Took the Atomic out today

Took the Brocock Atomic to the indoor range to see how it does at 25yds. 


I'm loving this setup (as a pistol). I’m a pistol shooter from a way back and this suits my style of bench shooting. My goal today was to see if this would shoot one hole groups at 25 but I learned a few things. First, the result:


This pistol is very accurate, but not precise. These are 10 shot groups. I did screw up my hand-hold on a few shots which went slightly wild. Those are on me. While it shoots very nice small groups, a bench rest one hole shooter it’s not. Of course it's miles better and more consistent than my Brocock Commander:


These targets are mostly 10 shots each and many of the shots are exactly in the center ring, it keeps throwing shots up, down, left and right with no reason. These are head sorted and weight sorted pellets - 18 grain H&N Baracuda — same as I shot in the Atomic. I'll try some other weights and head sizes before I give up, but I don't expect it will shoot as consistently or accurately as the Atomic.

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I my opinion you're setting yourself up for disappointment by shooting ten-shot groups, especially many in a row. That's mighty hard on the weak-minded like myself; can't imagine how it might scar a sane person (for life). Precision pistol shooting for ultimate accuracy is taxing enough without making it torturous with repeated ten-shot groups. FWIW, your ten-shot groups are at least as good as I'd expect to see if I was willing to subject myself to (many) ten-shot groups.

Just for reference, I'm attaching some of my best 25 yard groups and averages; though I test powerful PCPs much more at 50 nowadays. Virtually all the groups pictured are five-shot groups. Souped-up ten-meter PCP pistols do quite well at 25 yards.

AP16 at 25.1648324622.jpg

Kite one-holer.1648324731.JPG

180 at 25.1648325006.jpg

25 yd MK 08.1648325042.JPG

1701P at 25.1648325079.JPG

AR6 at 25.1648325159.jpg

I've almost invariably gotten my best accuracy from powerful .22 PCP pistols (and rifles) with 18.13 JSBs, and the FX branded versions.

Great shooting, rsfrid! 
Ross, that's some fine shooting with your pistol. Is the second set of targets from your Commander? Also, is that an Atomic XR or a Ranger? Do you have a folding stock and external HS adjuster?

Yes, the batch of shots is the Commander. This Atomic is way better, in my opinion. It's the Atomic XR. You can see my setup in the first picture. I have the stock that came with it, but probably won't use it (no real need). I use the external HS adjuster on the pistol format. It's set at Max HS minus 15 clicks (counter-clockwise) and JSB 15.89 hand sorted for weight and head size then lubed with spray furniture wax.
Nice shooting.

Is that a private range, or open to the public? 

Wondering if such places exist in MN, too.

Yes, that's our Cadillac Sportsman's Club indoor range. It's used by Juniors for 22 LR and adult center fire pistol. We old folks shoot air rifles and air pistols and sometimes 22 rimfire on Saturdays.

Thanks for the info. I was wondering if it were pure airgun (wonder if it would have less regulation). I need to find a place to shoot in the winter and summer since my two PCPs have the following characteristics:

One is way too powerful for shooting in the back yard. (250+ ft. lbs).

The other can shoot a lot further than I can shoot in the back yard (a crown MKII I just picked up). I have a feeling I will be putting pellets in the same hole once I finish getting it sighted in.