Took the big bore plunge.

Cool !! keep us posted on the Texan. I just recently took the big bore plunge. I bought a Sam Yang 909S & had Will Piatt tune it. Now I'm waiting on some 155 gr. EPP-UG bullets. The Air Ventui 137 gr balls that I ought are too small of diameter(.452). the Sam Yang needs a .456-.457. I went a Leatherwood CMR 1-4 scope for it's compactness. I figured 4X is enough for 50-75 yard shots.
I found out the difficult way exactly how loud the Texan could be today. The scope isn't quite sighted in and like all tinkering fanatics I messed around with the power adjustment on it. On the one hit I did manage to land on a spent refrigerant can pretty much put a near perfect hole in it from front to back, and that's after knocking it several feet back from where it'd been sitting. Firing my Marauder afterwards was a real eye opening experience for how much power the Texan was putting out.

Any luck this weekend I'll get a chance to do more work, and get my tank refilled because the Texan is definitely an air hog.
I'll say this so far, My accuracy with Texan is not the best, but the gun itself is an absolute monster compared to everything else I've fired so far. I tried to mount the scope, only to discover my scope mounts sat to low to actually get the Orion steadypix to fit. So I had to improvise by setting the camera on the shooting bag and film the shots like that. If I'm lucky I'll be able to do some fine tuning to the power once I settle on a chrony to buy. Also the R&L shroud really helped with the noise.