It seems that this time of year really brings out the vermin! I caught a squirrel and a very large Norweigen bron rat in my shed the other night - both foraging for food! I got the rat in the evening with the aid of my Hikmicro thermal scope and the squirrel videos were take with the Hikmicro 4k LRF NV. The scope is mounted on my EVOL 15 .22. I didn't touch the viedos and the viewing in real-time is as good as the videos. The second squirrel only jumped up and was dead about 1 yard away. The other 2 squirrels were a couple days apart... all in my back yard. The scope zooms from 3.5 to 28 so it has a great range to find and then zoom in for bettter shoot placement. It does pixelate at the farthest range, but is still very usable. AGM sells the same scope (almost) over here as the Spectrum LRF 4K.