It's a beast in .22 but I love it. Had not shot it in a couple months do yesterday I took to the range with a new Sightron I had just mounted . Zero took 4 shots then I shot 3 five shoot groups at 23yds. All groups well under a dime. There was an empty 9mm case on one of the benches. I said I am going to shoot a pellet in it. My wife laughed....doubting Thomas. I put it on top of my target with the mouth facing the bench. I shot and saw it go straight back against the backstop then fall. We walked down. No lead on the edge of the neck. Pellet inside nice and shiney totally flattened out. The primer was pushed most of the way out of the case. I looked at my wife and said one word.....SEE! Silly but fun. Sorry I could not get a photo inside the case to come out. But I saved lucky case.