Tried some of the Crosman pellets today.....


Dec 14, 2022
I tried some of the Crosman hollow points in my Cricket 2 today and it actually likes them...:) I started off at 50 yards with them, the first two shots were low right, I adjusted the scope and put 8 in the bullseye....:) I shot several more targets with them and they will eat the bullseye out at 50 yards...I then tried them at 25 yards and shot a full clip (14) same I went back to Walmart and bought 8 more tins of them....they are definitely my new pellets from now on....:) I do have to say that I had made a new carbon fiber moderator for my MK 3 and when I got this Cricket 2 I machined an adaptor and put it on it and it's been shooting lights out for me since...I machined a monocore and made it to accept a stack of K baffles in it...I think this moderator is acting like a barrel tuner with this Cricket thing is certain, for now on, I will not shoot it without it and it's really quiet also...all I hear when shooting it is a slight ping and the pellet hitting the backboard.....:)



Sweet that your Cricket 2 likes them, I like to shoot, a lot and at sub $7 per tin? For me a no brainer. The Crosmans Hollow Points have proven very effective on pest birds sub 60 yards. They are also my go to plinking pellets, I simply refuse to plink with JSBs or AAs pellets.
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The Crosman Hollow Points 14.3g work great in my Talon SS .22 Also. I did comparison shooting against JSB Exact Diablo 15.89g I could not tell the difference in accuracy. I Like Em' and they are cheap at Walmart.
Ya, marginal.. some cases maybe the " better" did better and some not . so marginal.. then cphp 1/2$ and walk in Walmart everyday as needed . No shipping
That"s the best more ordering and paying shipping, just go to good 'ol Walmart and pick 'em up......:)
That’s what I do… pick up a pack of six tins at a time. It’s what brings me to Wally World in the first place. The price is too sweet and for me, “in practice” they simply perform. Not saying there aren’t flyers and some WTF shots. But at the price and for what I’m doing with them they are a great value in these inflationary times.
Local Walmart was out of the .177 last time I checked. Stopped by Bass Pro this weekend. They had the .177 cphp, and still do. They wanted $17 a tin of 500.
Nope not for that price.
Our mart went through sperts of out of stock, but in a day or 2 were back. now seems not a issue and has them everytime ... That was more at the covid times being out.
I tried some of the Crosman hollow points in my Cricket 2 today
My Marauder has always liked them but my .22 Cricket 2 Tactical 45 isn't especially fond of them. I've shot both domes and hollow points @50yds. The domes were only slightly better but neither was that great. Any idea if the two rifles have different barrels?
My Marauder has always liked them but my .22 Cricket 2 Tactical 45 isn't especially fond of them. I've shot both domes and hollow points @50yds. The domes were only slightly better but neither was that great. Any idea if the two rifles have different barrels?
I bought this Cricket 2 from a member here off the classifieds, I know it originally came from Charlie Frear at Georgia Airguns, he sells it as a Cricket Long. I think he uses a longer barrel for a Cricket carbine on it and calls it a Cricket long. I know I'm very pleased with it as it definitely shoots good, every pellet I've tried in it so far it shoots them very well. I hate to admit it, but, it shoots better and I enjoy shooting it more than my new MK 3....:)
I use cphp more than any other pellet purely based on price and availability. Ive even got to the point of basing the worth of a gun by how it shoots cphp pellets. If it doesn’t shoot them well, I don’t buy it. Why? Because the amount I shoot, spending $18/tin plus shipping gets old fast.
I use cphp more than any other pellet purely based on price and availability. Ive even got to the point of basing the worth of a gun by how it shoots cphp pellets. If it doesn’t shoot them well, I don’t buy it. Why? Because the amount I shoot, spending $18/tin plus shipping gets old fast.
I came from the rimfire benchrest game, I shot it for a few years and finally came to my senses that it was absolutely crazy, spending the amount of money I spent on rimfire box Eley was 1300.00 a case for 5000 rounds and red box Eley was around 1800.00 a's even more than that now.
I just got into the air rifles recently and I'm so glad I got this Cricket rifle and it shoots these Crosman pellets as well as it does. I've also got a new FX MK 3 .25 cal. but I enjoy shooting this Cricket more than the MK 3. I have two different ranges here on my property, I have a 50 yard range with a concrete shooting bench in my backyard and I recently cleared a 100 yard range in my woods behind my house. Having the luxury of walking out the house and shooting on my own ranges definitely eats up a lot of pellets as I shoot almost everyday. I thought it was awesome finding a good shooting .22 cal rifle as the pellets are a little cheaper and you get more per tin...but, to have a rifle that shoots these cheaper and ready available pellets is icing on the cake....:)
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