N/A True slug gun

While you can achieve really good and even excellent results with some of today's precision air guns, I feel as though the slug came before the slug gun and that we are still awaiting its arrival. Perhaps there is so much money to be made trying to find the right slug, barrel, regulator pressure, hammer spring tension, barrel tension, moderator etc that producing an air gun specifically to shoot slugs properly, would be economically damaging to the sport overall. We have the ability to do so and relatively inexpensively if we want to, so why not do it? Why create this rabbit hole and the supply enough lubricant to allow any unsuspecting, would-be slug slinger to not only fall but willingly dive headlong into said sink hole? For it truely can swallow all who venture too close, even just to peer over the edge - innocently enough. By design? Say it isn't so! Is there any light at the end of this tunnel? Even a black hole has an exit as it were... .
Maybe it is a case of the versatility of what an air gun can shoot is far more desirable than a singularly dedicated gun. But I believe that we do have slug guns. Yes, you have to tune and experiment to find the right combination but look at the firearms industry for comparison. They have rifles made for long range precision but those shooters are still doing load development to get the most out of thier rifles.
I don’t think it’s by design. It wound up being a money making byproduct. As long as guys can find something or think they can and spend a sh#t load of money in the process, it won’t change. What you want, and it’s what I’ve been building for years would send everything in a completely different direction. There would be zero money spent after the sale and just prayers that one slug for your gun will be available forever.
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After spending the better part of three months looking for then deciding what dedicated slug rifle to go with my opinion on it is this. The industry as a whole deals globally and the majority of what's available is geared towards pellets as that suits the vast majority of the markets needs. Some are made with the ability to be made into slug guns, that's the hole I fell into with FX. There are several out there however that are sold as slug dedicated/oriented with pellet capability.
I ended up switching dealers and going with Talon Tunes. After talking to him on the phone everything he sells is geared towards high power tunes with unchoked (when available) barrels with rifling suited to slugs and come set up that way by the owner before he ships. If you want something different you have to tell him.
While you can achieve really good and even excellent results with some of today's precision air guns, I feel as though the slug came before the slug gun and that we are still awaiting its arrival. Perhaps there is so much money to be made trying to find the right slug, barrel, regulator pressure, hammer spring tension, barrel tension, moderator etc that producing an air gun specifically to shoot slugs properly, would be economically damaging to the sport overall. We have the ability to do so and relatively inexpensively if we want to, so why not do it? Why create this rabbit hole and the supply enough lubricant to allow any unsuspecting, would-be slug slinger to not only fall but willingly dive headlong into said sink hole? For it truely can swallow all who venture too close, even just to peer over the edge - innocently enough. By design? Say it isn't so! Is there any light at the end of this tunnel? Even a black hole has an exit as it were... .
I shan’t miss what I shan’t try