Other Truth behind Macavity Arms Prototype Airgun

I was just shooting mine, with a new tripod I just got, at 90y and man do I have that thing dialed in. It is really working out well. I agree though, Buck-Rail needs to do their magic if Macavity won't. They took a thorough dumping on from most reviewers for the stock so it will be intersting (if they survive) to see what they do for an encore.
My Avenge x Tac 25 cal likes those too. JSB makes the FX pellets for them. Mags generally don't improve performance if talking about shooting results. They all fit the breech the same no matter the mag. It comes down to durability, convenience and speed loading/unloading is what mags are judged on. 30 yds is cut and dry as a tac driver on my gun, the same at 40. I focus on 50 yds as my main range given the terrain and vegetation around my home in South Georgia for critter control purpose. I snipe from the front or back porch. in stealth mode. At 50 yds or more they never know what is about to hit them and it ain't lightning! lol JSB and FX pellets are my go to. The new AEA pellets come really close to the JSB and FX. JTS is pretty good too. I just don't like the tight fit when charging the gun. The others are are a perfect fit and smooth. You can't go wrong with either one. I have given up on slugs(Nielsen or Zan) on my Avenge X 25 tac. Not as tight in accuracy as the pellets despite slug delivering harder punch. I just think the gun needs a specially tuned barrel for it to be on the level as the FX, Daystate, BRK or any upper tier gun and I don't see myself jumping into that pool! lol Maybe Air Venturi can design one just for slugs as a add on since it is a modular platform. Do they even read what's in these forums written by shooters? Hint-hint.
Your Avenge X is using the same barrel as the Avenger. I don't know which slugs you tried, or at what speed, but I know that my brother set his reg to 2900psi and shoots the 29gr NSA @ 942fps and shoots 1.25" 100y groups. Yes, the pellets can shoot a little better in no wind, but do not hit has hard and drop a lot more. Throw in any wind and the slugs clean house. Just something to try if you didn't already, 10fps or .5gr difference in pellet weight can change everything.
Getting Aeron (I have 2of their chassis) to make them a stock similar to this one would really elevate the rifle but also the price... http://aczshop.cz/pazby-aeron/tactical-chassis-cz457.html
This aftermarket design is unappealing not to mention the high cost in todays Euro currency rate converted to 747.68 USD??? I rather buy a Saber Tactical @ $300 than this Aeron which aesthetically doesn't measure up to the Saber Tactical. I have been thinking about getting the Saber Tac. but haven't pulled the trigger yet. And at $787 plus shipping and VAT for a Aeron, I could buy another collectable PCP for that amount. My needs doesn't warrant spending $$$ on a Aeron I think most would say it's ugly. Now my wants is another matter. (i.e FX) I keep a balanced perspective on this hobby.
This aftermarket design is unappealing not to mention the high cost in todays Euro currency rate converted to 747.68 USD??? I rather buy a Saber Tactical @ $300 than this Aeron which aesthetically doesn't measure up to the Saber Tactical. I have been thinking about getting the Saber Tac. but haven't pulled the trigger yet. And at $787 plus shipping and VAT for a Aeron, I could buy another collectable PCP for that amount. My needs doesn't warrant spending $$$ on a Aeron I think most would say it's ugly. Now my wants is another matter. (i.e FX) I keep a balanced perspective on this hobby.
I respect your opinion but I would much rather have a Aeron (which is why I have two of them) over a Saber Tactical any day as they are lighter and much better looking in my opinion but to each their own. Of course that was just an example and it's for a firearm and you are right that price is too high but they would not need the butt stock or the grip since they could supply that themselves to keep the price down. If MA could offer a metal chassis in the $300 range I think they would have some real interest.
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They set the regulator higher on the short models to make the power. You can turn up the reg on the longer version and indeed make more power. My .22 short version has a lot of breathing room, I have been waiting to hear what others have tried, especially on the long versions. I had mine doing 45fpe w/o breaking a sweat. I turned it down to 35fpe because that is what worked out the best for my horde of 18gr JSB's.
From all of my playing around with my .30 AAA, and playing around with the Macavity reg and hammer adjustments, I'd bet you could get 90FPE easy. The question is, will it be accurate at that level? Only one way to find out.
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Finally got my Chrono, reg set at just below 2000. Can't seem to get it adjusted between 1800-2000. Had it apart atleast 6 times. FX pellets 25.39. .25 Cal long
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Reg creep has been resolved for 1000 rounds now 😁.. With reg at 2100 I played with the hammer a lot, and was still getting better consistency at middle tank pressure. Getting the same now that I've got reg at 1900. Guess I'll go back to the hammer tomorrow and see what I get. No matter what I still just enjoy shooting almost every night. Love this hobby.
Velocity going up as tank pressure goes down. Suggestions? SD of 3 in 10 shot string under 2500 tank pressure.
What is happening is that your hammerspring is now facing less resistence and releasing more air and the the pellet goes faster. You can try several different solutions depending on the outcome you want. One is to turned down your hammer spring and shoot your current pellet slower so that when it comes off the reg the hammer strike will be less and it will not spike as much. Two, leave it as is and try some 34gr pellets, the extra weight changes where the "knee" is and you won't get the spike either. Three, turn down your reg a little and when you come off of it with your current pellet it won't spike as much either. Welcome to tuning. If you shoot full strings you will see the changes, just be sure to watch your pressure and write it down as you go to match where you are on the curve. Being regulated, this only gets interesting at the end, but it's good to know how many shots you're getting, and how many good shots are left off the reg.
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