Truth in advertising (137 years ago)

The "1000 feet" part may not be, but the rest is likely closer to the truth. Lot's of neat vintage airgun stuff at

AR6 centered.jpg

Not to suggest, infer, or insinuate airgun manufacturers have EVER made wildly 'optimistic' performance claims, this intensely interesting ad is more realistic than many, MANY others. Apparently Korean airgun manufacturers are a bit less encumbered by regulations, laws, bureaucracies, and ethics than their American counterparts. :ROFLMAO: Considering their firearms restrictions, that's a good thing. And although a fan of the first truly medium to large game capable production airguns of the modern era since they came available in the U.S. thirty years ago, not sure if I would promote the Hunting Masters like the ad above.

Having owned 7 or 8 Duk Il/ARS/Evanix 'Hunting Master' PCP rifles and pistols, I'd say they took American airgunners where none had gone before; myself included (having taken my first airgunned ungulate with one).

46 yd AR6.JPG

This more recent 46 yard cottontail harvest suggests them still pertinent today.

government running the economy
I dont think they even tried to do that back then, far more pressing things on their hands i would assume.

Once the entire country of Denmark was pawned to some German Barons,,,,,,, we had bad rulers long before we became a constitutional monarchy.
Norway and Sweden also use to be Denmark,,,,, we lost those too.
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