Trying to Pick a Slug for my AEA Element .45 cal MAX

Hey guys, I am trying to figure out which slug to order for accuracy in the new AEA Element MAX .45.

Gun here: Precision Airguns

I'm going with NSA. Should I get .457? Below are the choices:


Slug your barrel and get the groove diameters. AEA barrels are notorious for being completely out of it spec with the rest of the industry.

I’ve had 2 AEA rifles and sold them. I think they are horrible guns but that’s just my opinion based on my experience with two of their models. One was a 457 and the groove diameters measured .46283. I cast all of my own ammo for all my rifles and this out of tolerance spec was horrible. I slugged another buddys barrel and it was .45596. So going from .45596 to .46283 is a BIG swing in diameter. I’m glad that at least I could cast ammo for it but it’s still shot like crap.

The “30” cal AEA I had slugged at .30651, again a terrible manufacturing spec.

I’ll never buy another AEA.