Trying to upload and sell an airgun

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judgemental and unhelpful you are,,,, are you suggesting he is a scammer? I oft see folks like you insert something that was not there, just because you like to argue.
I like the rules and did not try to bad mouth them,,,,
I only suggested a solution,,, don't cry to me,,, I don't have a soft heart for you or the op
but are you helping or chasing newbies away,, as I see he has only made one more post since,,,
have nice day and try not to piss in everybody's cereal bowl
At least that's what it looks like to me. Hall monitor alert!
Moderator 3 came in and outlined it perfectly. Then this guy had to harp on the rules.
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the owners of this platform could fix the problem simply by requireing a muliple chioce test that cover the issues of 10 days and ten post
if the test taker chooses the wrong answer, he is immediatly given the chance to re-answer, till he chooses correctly,,, then next question
I figure about ten question will cover the basics

but no,,, so folks like this guy make the newbies shy away,,, if I had an employee that chases customers away,,, it would be,,, you're fired
I have been here for years. I read the rules before joining. I'm not chasing anyone away. Considering almost all forums that have classified ads have rules to follow before posting a item for sale. It's no secret. How hard is it to read the rules first.

AGN dosen't need a multiple choice quiz. The rule is fine, it has been working for years.
Once the first couple replies told him to read the rules there was no need to keep it up.
Certain people want their voices heard. It's a huge opportunity to hall monitor and kiss up.
When Moderator 3 chimed in and outlined the subject perfectly , ( with illustrations) that should have been the end of it.
I have been here for years. I read the rules before joining. I'm not chasing anyone away. Considering almost all forums that have classified ads have rules to follow before posting a item for sale. It's no secret. How hard is it to read the rules first.

AGN dosen't need a multiple choice quiz. The rule is fine, it has been working for years.
I thought this thread was a goner, but since you directly copied me,
the rules were pointed out by moderator!!! I also was in the process of pointing it out also when the forum popped up a notice up about other replies, I saw the mod's comment so I canceled my reply!
You jump on the dogpile with all capitols , indicating a loud yelling response that as a newby , i would see as 'unwelome mat' being set out by the NON owners of the forum
as to not needing a quiz to join, it is just a suggestion to help solve a problem, It is a problem or you would not have made your first comment about reading the rules. I see many many newbies make the same mistake over and over,,, it is not the rules I have a problem with and I never indicated that,,, it is the new guys can join without reading the rules, they just check the box that they did, so the new guy problem is real and their many posts are the proof in the pudding.

and you did jump on him, like a dog in a pile on, with 😆 face to boot
review what you said to the new guy, he has not been back since ya all dog piled.

when I first join we were able to post replies directly into the classified section, but were told not to in the rules, somewhere, i guess.
I got a mean note from a mod about it,, shortly there after, they fixed the forum, so you could not even post a reply in the classifieds.
they can change stuff here and they do time to time,,, always room for improvement.

your avator ,,, mayby we don't need to be so septic towards new members.
any way have nice day,,, spread it around, be a zippity do dah kind of attitude
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