• Please consider adding your "Event" to the Calendar located on our Home page!

Tulsa Air Gun Club is now has a FB page

I understand some folks are anti FB. I get it. No need to explain it to me here. However, some don’t mind to communicate through that format of social media. We are hoping to expand and grow the sport of FT in the North Eastern Oklahoma area through as many social media channels as practical and we believe this one way of doing it. We will continue to share here on AGN all event news so don’t worry about having to join something you don’t want to. We’ll keep you up to speed here as well.
But if you are on FB, please follow and you can find us listed as Tulsa Air Gun Club in groups.
And by the way, we are now an official AAFTA club!!
If you are ever in the Tulsa area on the second Saturday of the month, PLEASE come out and shoot with us. Additional details can be found on the calendar page. Or just shoot me a PM. You will see from the pictures of match results, it’s a nicely wooded area with a great tree canopy which affords minimal wind conditions even on gusty days. So if you hate the wind or it hates you, know you scores will only get better here. We rely solely on match fees to fund the club. The host club only provides us a location to hold the matches and we have to pay rent for that.

The July match, we had a great turnout with shooter from Oklahoma City as well as Texas and Kansas (thank you for your support everyone !)
Ice cold bottled water was made available and chilled watermelon was served after the match. We will continue with the refreshments during the summer months and may do some other fun stuff in the fall months.
A great big THANK YOU! goes out to everyone who has worked, helped, shot, or even just stopped by to see what all the hubbub was all about. We can’t do it without your support.
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