Tuxing TXED011

I THINK 1/4". Don't spend big bucks on a pump. A $25-$35 aquarium pump will be better than the supplied one. More importantly, keep a couple 1/2 gal. Milk containers filled with water in your freezer (leave 3 or 4" at the top to allow for expansion of water freezing & loosen caps until frozen). When you run compressor just drop em in your water supply. I had a TXE 032 for a while that I ran like that & it was very efficient. Never start/stop compressor under pressure. Get it running before closing off bleed valve.
I use mine to top off my tank, it takes 13 minutes to go from 3400 to 4500 and this includes filling the filters. It never gets above 140 degrees and I’m using a 5 gallon bucket with water wetter. I really don’t see the need for ice unless you are running it for extended periods.
I run normal when filling a rifle.
When topping up my 6.8L or 9L tanks I dump the ice from my ice maker in to my 5 gallon pot .
Replenishes the water and keeps the temp down on my TXEDM042
Can't hurt and keeps my ice fresh for Friday evening...
I have just bought one of the above should be with me soon,i have done a search ,but cant find what i need to know,i want to buy a better water pump,and would like to have it by the time,the compressor arrives,can anyone tell me the inside dia of the water pipes.thanks in advance
I've been running Tuxings for a couple years now and never had an issue with their pumps.
Currently a TXEDM042, I like the double air filtration.
TXES012 is my backup.
The hose on the TXEDM042 is ID: 1/4 OD: 5/8