You will need to go over on GTA and just start a thread in the PCP (Darkside) forum, the owner will pop in. Problem with being 70 yo is that sometimes I forget who gave me what. The program is free, just ask on GTA. I did hunt for my link but cannot find it right now.
If I implied you were ignorant it certainly was not intentional so no need to ask for forgiveness and forgive me if I did

BTW, you do not need a fancy spread sheet to tune a rifle. I use note cards and a sight in target stuck on my stock to remind me of the rifle and I use a note book the old fashioned way during the tuning process:
You do not need to make it hard. But talk is talk, data is where the rubber hits the road, it tells the story, fancy ballistic program or a old tattered and greasy notebook, both work. When I take the rifle out, I review the cards, set them in the rack where the rifle came from and go shoot pests that need shooting at.
Edit to add, I am on a Mac and I live in the i-world. My subscription to MSO has expired and I am either too lazy or too non-tech to learn to use open source substitutes and too cheap to renew my MSO subscription and no way in Hades will I ever return to the Windows-world. Thus a notebook and a pen.