Do they still make a hammer debouncer and some kind of hammer spring kit for the Marauder? I heard it's a big improvement, I researched it and saw lots of talk about it, but couldn't find any of those items still for sale. So any suggestions to that would be appreciated, thanks.
Yes, JSAR has their TSS and SSG in stock time to time and AGR has two, a heavy and a light, SSGs. And it is not hard to make your own. Here is an early version of an free flight hammer I made up. It was not fully adjustable externally but worked great once dialed in.

To adjust gap, I used a plug in the end cap, modified version of the original part. So the spring assembly length/compression had to be preset and then I could adjust the gap with the end cap plug. And if you search around there are many older threads showing all sorts of FFH and SSGs for inspiration.
Not to harp on how much I like the AGR thumb rest, but what makes it so nice is that it sticks out behind the end cap about 3/4 of an inch and beyond the curve of the grip to allow my thumb to sit solidly on the rest. May or may not like the look but looks are not everything and the protruding rest works great!

That the rest protrudes rearward of the end cap and stock is what makes the grip length perfect for wrapping one or two fingers around the bolt handle in close to the bolt and the thumb on the rest and then just squeeze your hand, again, like squeezing a rubber ball.
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