Two vintage SUPER-classic gas pistols still ROCKIN'!

With July being perfect Co2 weather, and having neglected them for a year, yesterday's HOTTER'N BLAZES🥵 weather proved the perfect excuse to rekindle a couple love affairs from the past.🥰

Always n-N-NERVOUS of neglected airguns emerging from hibernation in need of resealing, it was a relief to find all four Co2 pistols I shot yesterday to still be healthy and happy. Even better, still WELL zero'ed; and shooting like a HOUSE AFIRE!🔥

My souped-up .177 Walther CP3 Match ten-meter pistol, that I've described as the finest, most highly-evolved Co2 production pistol ever, produced this .375" center-to-center five-shot group at 25 yards with it's first group. Obviously the red-dot of the Leupold Gilmore sight was a good enough match for the target to allow such precision without magnification.

LP3M at 25.jpg

LP3M dime at 25.jpg

That's a dime.

After marking the first group I shot two more groups that (typical of any gun, especially pistols) shifted point-of-impacts slightly, but noticeably. The second group also measured .375", but one shot of the last group opened it up enough to also open up the three-group average to .43" c-t-c. All in medium wind conditions, a gust was the culprit.🤬

Though not quite as awe-inspiring, given the huge price and target-audience differences, my similar-vintage .22 Crosman 150 also came through quite admirably for it's first outing in a year.

150 .77 at 25.jpg

The three consecutive five-shot groups above averaged .77" center-to-center. And although not nearly up to its capabilities in still conditions, the fact all fifteen shots could have hit a quarter ain't too shabby for a fifty year-old Crosman Co2 pistol that sold for about $20 brand new.

Full portraits of these beloved Co2 classics-
Walther CP3M.JPG

150 Custom.JPG
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The Chronicles of Airgun pistols!
How is the .22 Brno Tau 7 with Prairie Rattler accents treating you?

Dang Lupe, that reminds me I meant to also shoot the Tau that day! I'll dig it out soon, but expect nothing but pleasant surprises.

Snake Tau LS.JPG

Snake Tau RS.JPG

One of very few pistols I own that I still enjoy shooting with iron sights, The Prairie Rat never ceases to amaze.
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