Tx 200 100 yards... first attempt

I picked up a TX 200 in .177 to try air rifles, being primarily a rimfire rifle shooter. I came from pistol shooting before rimfire.

I dropped a CVLife 6x to 24x 50mm scope on it. It is very cheap with a way too heavy reticle for precision work. I have been getting used to the rig and am shooting under 1" at 50 yards with AA 8.44 and JSB 10.3? Heavies. The Zan 10gr slugs have been just as tight.

Today, between rain storms and dropping my 15 year old at work, I ran I out to the range to try 100 yards. It was pretty calm with only a 3mph light breeze from left to right.

This was no precision session. It was a rushed can I hit anything session. The JSB Heavies and AA 8.44's were right at 3 to 4 inches for groups. About a 2-3 inch poi difference with AA's hitting higher. The Zan 10gr slugs were about 4 inches lower than Heavies for poi. They were shooting 2 to 3 inch groups with slightly less vertical spread. However they were my last test ammo so it may have been me settling down.

The TX200 makes me pretty happy. I am looking forward to some serious time at 100 yards with this thing. I am more impressed with it each trip out.
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That's good shooting. I tried shooting my HW95 out to 90 yards and I was happy just to be able to keep my shots on a paper plate. I bet you will do even better when you are able to take your time.

It was a calm day.

I am transitioning. I am used to .30" or less at 50' and around 1" to 1.2" at 100' with .22lr.
That's good shooting. I tried shooting my HW95 out to 90 yards and I was happy just to be able to keep my shots on a paper plate. I bet you will do even better when you are able to take your time.

When I was wrapping up I had pulled all my targets (paper) in as it was thundering in the distance. So I was messing around with the 12" and 6" diamond shaped steel plates the range has at 100'. A friend that drove up could not believe I was consistently tagging a 6" plate at that range with a springer.

Now mind you, this shooting is off a bench with a scope not free hand.