TX200 MKIII Pellet Suggestions

If it's a newer one, try the JSB 7.87's. If it's an older one, AA/JSB 8.4's, or H&N FTT's or Baracuda Match.

Good Luck!

Edit: WHOOPS - I totally missed that it's a 22cal. Sorry, I have no tried-and-true suggestions there. I would probably start with the AA/JSB 14gr, 16gr, and 18gr, and then if those didn't work, go to H&N FTT's or Baracuda Match.
Not every TX will like the same pellet, unfortunately testing iscthe only sure way to know. Stick with popular pellets as they are usually most consistant. You should do a simple tuneup to speed up the breakin process, other wise tour gonna do a lot of shooting and sorting thru pellets. These are quite easy to service and a quick tune with proper lubes can make a big difference in a short time. Mine are .177 so can help you there, but most folks have good sucess with popular pellet brands.