TX200 need help on part size

Michigander - the Pro Elite uses the same e-clip as the TX200 as far as I can tell. It has the same part number, and the Airgun Spares site lists the TX200 part to also fit the Pro Elite. I ordered the last one they had in stock a couple of days ago.

My Pro Elite is apart right now so it's easy for me to measure the groove in which the clip fits. I get 4.06mm (measured) for the groove diameter, and 0.75mm for the groove width. The cocking link pin itself is 0.196" outside diameter (4.98mm) measured, which is likely a 5mm nominal diameter like yours.

From the PDF chart that you linked to, I'd look for a clip for a 4mm groove diameter and choose part DE-040 instead of the DE-032 clip.

I checked Mcmaster's metric e-clip offerings, and their part number 98543A112 is a little thicker and a bit larger O.D. than the Pro Elite/TX200 clip that I measured. The original Pro Elite e-clip that I have measures 7.19mm OD, 0.56mm thick, and of course fits my 4mm diameter groove.

I am going to place an order for supplies from McMaster in the near future, and I thought that I'd try their clips anyway. The measurements indicate a fit, and the extra OD of their clips will still fit in the flat on the breech. The best part is that 100 of them cost only $3.45 (plus shipping), so I thought that it would be a good experiment.
Well, I just took receipt of 100 McMaster-Carr 4mm e-clips, and they don't work. They are a loose, slip fit over the groove. I placed another order a few minutes ago for the 3.2mm version. Michigander was correct, and I was wrong. I'll chalk the cost up to a learning experience.

If the OP is still following this thread, I'll test the new clips on Wednesday or Thursday and report back. If it works, I'll tape a few of them to a letter, stick it in an envelope, and mail it to the OP at no cost.
The new clips are in and they fit.


They require more force to insert than my original clips, but the old ones have been worn a bit. Here's a shot of one of them on my Pro Elite, and how they nestle into the recess for them ...


Of course you can't attach them on a close-fitting round recess, so this is a shot of the other side - without the pin or clip.


Johan - if you want a few more to have as spares at no cost, just send me a PM. I have a lot left over!