TXED012 Tuxing compret

Thanks for all the fed back everyone.
I'm leaning toward the 042 now.
Blackdog899 how long have you had yours , and do you fill tanks with it
I figured if fill a 8.6 liter tank up I should get 15 + fills on my Zelos 500 cc bottle.
Had it less than a month. Not any complete fills yet.
I got a big surprise yesterday, was bringing the Tux up to the tanks 3000 psi and I was used to my Gx taking a long time to pressurize the dual gold filters. Forget the speed difference within a minute it shut off. I thought I blew a breaker or a gfci .
Checked my electric panel and everything was on. Then looked at compressor. Ooooo it went to 4500 quickly and did what it’s supposed to do, shut off
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