TXEDT032 vs TXEDT033

The 033 has auto stop and auto purge.

IMHO if you aren't in a high humidity area you don't need auto drain, it's not an issue to drain the first filter a little every few minutes, i've got an 032, 2 years old with a bit over 20 hrs on it, the auto shut off is nice...when it works but you should always keep an eye on it. Oh out of an abundance of caution, I added a Tuxing Molecular sieve.
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Auto this or that, just asking for a trouble.
First and most important - you never shall run any of these 300 bar HPA compressors unintended, not even for a bathroom brake.
Not a tuxing but a YH, first time the auto shot off started making me psycho I replaced the gauge (and wires) to a manual gauge - and better quality.

View attachment 533129
Yes I shall
IMHO if you aren't in a high humidity area you don't need auto drain, it's not an issue to drain the first filter a little every few minutes, i've got an 032, 2 years old with a bit over 20 hrs on it, the auto shut off is nice...when it works but you should always keep an eye on it. Oh out of an abundance of caution, I added a Tuxing Molecular sieve.
With the addition of the extra inline sieve/filter, does it make the compressor run harder/hotter?
With the addition of the extra inline sieve/filter, does it make the compressor run harder/hotter?
Not that I can tell, we're not pumping that much air really so it has plenty of time to find its way through the media. the cotton filters are denser than the Molecular Sieve material, a bunch of small beads.
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What I said
easily tested, plug just air hose , Record time to shut off.
Add in the tall golds , plug air hose , Recorder time

yes it takes my Gx around 20 minutes just to fill this crowded volume. The media inside is not dense.
The Gx is slow and cool but it shows the work being done before getting to your air tank.

With my Tuxing twin this also happens but at a much faster pace.
What I said
easily tested, plug just air hose , Record time to shut off.
Add in the tall golds , plug air hose , Recorder time

yes it takes my Gx around 20 minutes just to fill this crowded volume. The media inside is not dense.
The Gx is slow and cool but it shows the work being done before getting to your air tank.

With my Tuxing twin this also happens but at a much faster pace.
View attachment 537183
Twenty minutes of pumping is a lot of lost air. See Post 17 of https://www.airgunnation.com/threads/moisture-filter-question.1326333/ regarding adding check and shutoff valves to maintain pressurization in the filters between fills. I don't use the additional valves so this is not a recommendation - just something to consider.
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Twenty minutes of pumping is a lot of lost air. See Post 17 of https://www.airgunnation.com/threads/moisture-filter-question.1326333/ regarding adding check and shutoff valves to maintain pressurization in the filters between fills. I don't use the additional valves so this is not a recommendation - just something to consider.
Jack , thanks I remember reading I think.
Was just thinking about it last night after testing my project.
its quite frustrating waiting and I will add valves. I’ll look at post.
Want the smallest , simplest method to do it.
I have the 042 with the twin tower filter and I run an extra large inline filter for extra peace of mind. It takes 11 minutes to top off my 45 minute SCBA from 3400 to 4500 despite having to fill all three filters. I’ve been real happy with the speed of this unit, it doesn’t run long enough to get over 140 degrees.
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I have the 042 with the twin tower filter and I run an extra large inline filter for extra peace of mind. It takes 11 minutes to top off my 45 minute SCBA from 3400 to 4500 despite having to fill all three filters. I’ve been real happy with the speed of this unit, it doesn’t run long enough to get over 140 degrees.
Different animals , I’ve got both