"Can't we all get along? " Rodney King 1991. As I said, public discussions about politics, religion, God & hunting get to be quite heated debates. C'mon guys, no need for bruised egos & name calling. Different strokes for different folks. What a f--king boring world it would be if we all thought, spoke, acted & believed the same way. Don't forget the thread of commonality that brings us to this forum in the first place, our love of shooting/ hunting. Don't take it all so personally & seriously & ESPECIALLY don't have expectations of getting others to ascribe to our own way of thinking. Expectations are resentments under construction. It takes all kinds of monkeys to make a circus if you know what I mean. That's the beauty of this crazy world for me. "Bush meat", "trophy hunting " just words. The only reason they evoke such powerful & visceral reactions is because each individual's understanding & response is fueled by emotions. Sorry but I ain't getting emotional over this one. Saving that for the important issues in my life. HAPPY HUNTING Y'ALL! No matter WHAT you hunt.