HPA tube guns have always looked best, but as the yearn for more power came about, then the bottle guns came along. Bottle guns, in my eyes, takes the look away from a nice pcp.
Like architects/builders of high rise building, malls, arenas, etc., everyone wants to put a touch of “their own” and guns are no different, I think the younger generation behind the Auto CAD tend to go crazy with stock designs. You look at a lot of the plastic guns with the angled lines, the swirls, and too many offsets around the cheek pieces and hand grip areas, to try and add pizzaz to the stock, but only making it worse. It’s also obvious that there’s a point towards the end where the stock designer missed allowing for something that the engineer told him about, and it was hurriedly thrown on there to complete a project. Perfect example of this is a bottle cover, tied into a two piece stock, with a pic rail below it for bipod mount. All of this now tied into the scope rail. A failure waiting to happen such as in the hercules Bully, whose major complaint was a scope rail that flexed while shot off of a bipod.
But wood stocks can look ugly, too, especially when wood thicknesses are removed around a thumb hole to accommodate for thumb and palm flesh thickness. Here’s an example, the Beeman R series stocks to this day are regarded as classic, pure beauty in wood stocks. I don’t know how all feels about the Tyrolean style stocks, but when those came out, that caused me to go blind, lol.
ive said it before and I know a few that can back me, but the FX wildcat First and Second gen series are the classic ones both in form and good looks. Simple in function, a sweet rig designed for the hunt.
But when the wildcat compacts came out it ruined the look as the air tubes came too short. The 700mm barrels are a bit long, and in my viewings of this platform I see why the 600mm ones were the most popular.