You're not alone, I don't sell my pcps, i put a lot of thought when buying one so I don't buy an undesirable.Honestly , I think I could live with that ! Guns ( most) to me are like my pickups ,suv's & cars, I run them till they scare me for reliability or not worth putting a lot
more $$ in, then what I get for trade in is just worth getting rid of it as it has done the service I got them for . I know I may think differently than most, but they are to use , enjoy & get all I can out of them ! I've known many that don't want to put miles on their truck or take a nice shotgun in the briars ( bought it to hunt rabbits/grouse ??) . I don't want to see my truck set in the driveway, I want to get to work, shooting spot ,etc & if I was hunting ,I never found much game in the open ground. Could just be me ... Anyway good luck with your project!!
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