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Uk dealer refusing to sell impacts!!

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(function(d, s, id) { var js, fjs = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0]; if (d.getElementById(id)) return; js = d.createElement(s); js.id = id; js.src = "//connect.facebook.net/en_US/sdk.js#xfbml=1&version=v2.3"; fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js, fjs);}(document, 'script', 'facebook-jssdk'));Well enough is enough ... from today we are stopping stocking the FX Impact. Sad really as I love the looks .the...Posted by Blackpool Air Rifles on Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Rgds steve
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I don't have a dog in this fight one way or another. But this is the kind of post , or the kind of thread where credibility and open sharing of information meets what could be perceived as slanting by overprotective forum to its sponsors.( I'm not saying that the case here ) I'm hopeful this post is able to remain up and hopefully there will be some good information exchange on it. I think it's childish to just pick a supplier and bash them , and I know it happens here just like other forums. But forum members need to be able to discuss stuff openly .
I don't understand this issue at all. 

We all Know that FX is capable of making a great air rifle. Aside from some minor teething issues, their other products seem to fly off the shelves and not come back. What could be possibly be wrong with the Impact design that they are still having issues at this point?

This is not a rhetorical question btw. I genuinely want to know what is so different about the design that they can't just fix it? 
"zebra"I don't understand this issue at all. 

We all Know that FX is capable of making a great air rifle. Aside from some minor teething issues, their other products seem to fly off the shelves and not come back. What could be possibly be wrong with the Impact design that they are still having issues at this point?

This is not a rhetorical question btw. I genuinely want to know what is so different about the design that they can't just fix it? 

Sounds like maybe FX & Blackpool had a falling out? And now Blackpool thinks they can make more $ by slanting the Impact & importing the Priest. 

I'd bet there is a lot more going on behind the scenes than the public is led to believe.
"zebra"I don't understand this issue at all. 

We all Know that FX is capable of making a great air rifle. Aside from some minor teething issues, their other products seem to fly off the shelves and not come back. What could be possibly be wrong with the Impact design that they are still having issues at this point?

This is not a rhetorical question btw. I genuinely want to know what is so different about the design that they can't just fix it? 

Sounds like FX & Blackpool had a falling out. And now Blackpool thinks they can make more $ by slanting the Impact & importing the Priest themselves. 

I think there is a lot more going on behind the scenes than the public is led to believe.

Blackpool tipped their hand to an ulterior motive when they described a "90% return rate". It would have been more believable if they'd said 20% or maybe even 30%. I'll be the first to acknowledge some issues have clearly popped up with the Impact, but 90% is just a ridiculous, over the top assertion that is indicative of a hidden agenda. FX has sold umpteen thousands of Impacts over the last year. While their failure rate may have been initially higher than the industry average due to some likely teething issues, if there had really been anywhere near a 90% failure, everyone would know it. Even if it had been a 50% failure rate the Impact would have been jeopardized to the point that we would not see video's of factory tours showing the assembly line running non stop to try to keep up with demand. 

The icing on the cake is two fold. First, Blackpool is also taking issue with the Streamline citing issues that do not seem to be reported anywhere else.

Second, they already have an "alternative" arriving in March? Sounds like they could be paving the way for a more profitable path.

All of this is speculation on my part but come on. 90% fail rate? No retailer on the planet would carry a product like that just from the sheer frustration of dealing with the public, returns, repairs, replacements, shipping, time lost to employees being tied up, reputation, etc. etc. 
Hi guys
As the OP of this thread,im also impact owner,blackpool air rifles are one of the biggest airgun dealers in the uk,,they are not the importer ..the importer is a firm called A.S.I..
fx has designed a great gun in the impact,but it sadly lacking in a few areas,one of the main screw ups in my opinion is the magazine in 25 cal is to short for h+n battacuda and the superdome pellets,these were some of the most widely used pellets in 25 cal before jsb came on the scene, barras are my favourite pellet and shoot very very accurately in the impact,but sadly i have to put 1 pellet a time in a large capacity magazine, a major screw up by fx in design...not everyone wants to shoot jsb,s the scope rail also needs to be at least 10 moa because of barrel droop,the mags they could put right with a recessed milled around on the inside ab 1mm in depth and as wide as a 25 pellet it would then accept barras and domes,its also one of the most easily fixed rifles to work on if you have a leak,not hard at all.i really like fx guns and had a bobcat in 2e cal for over 2 years that done a lot of hard work,and is till working faultlessly for my son,because of the issue with the barras ,im selling my impact and buying a cricket in 35
Come on frederick minor issues and a bit more lube on the o rings ease would solve a lot of problems.
I have spoken with frederick on the telephone last year,a lovely guy to talk with and very knowledgeble
Rgds steve friend of you know who frederick !!!
A few days ago I had two of my post deleted by the moderator, when I mention exactly what´s happening with the impacts, stating that I was promoting "hate mail" or bad mouthing a particular brand of airguns , it seems that some can post , others not... I´ve owned an FX airgun, and it was great. what I said was very much on the lines yhat being the first year of production, FX probably probably just hurried the launching of this particular model, and from what I´ve seen at my range there are one or two, and both have issues.
I´ve dealt with BAR , Blackpool Air Rifles, for many years, and bought a few guns from Lloyd when they were allowed to export, and I can tell you they don´t do things light earthed. they are probably one of the most respected airgun dealers in the UK and in Europe. They did the same with the Condor/Gunpower. because of to many complaints
RuideCastroA few days ago I had two of my post deleted by the moderator, when I mention exactly what´s happening with the impacts, stating that I was promoting "hate mail" or bad mouthing a particular brand of airguns , it seems that some can post , others not... I´ve owned an FX airgun, and it was great. what I said was very much on the lines yhat being the first year of production, FX probably probably just hurried the launching of this particular model, and from what I´ve seen at my range there are one or two, and both have issues.
I´ve dealt with BAR , Blackpool Air Rifles, for many years, and bought a few guns from Lloyd when they were allowed to export, and I can tell you they don´t do things light earthed. they are probably one of the most respected airgun dealers in the UK and in Europe. They did the same with the Condor/Gunpower. because of to many complaints

You have freedom of speech over on t.a.g this is a good airgun site but it feels sometimes freedom of speech is not liked,
Rgds steve
"RuideCastro"A few days ago I had two of my post deleted by the moderator, when I mention exactly what´s happening with the impacts, stating that I was promoting "hate mail" or bad mouthing a particular brand of airguns , it seems that some can post , others not... I´ve owned an FX airgun, and it was great. what I said was very much on the lines yhat being the first year of production, FX probably probably just hurried the launching of this particular model, and from what I´ve seen at my range there are one or two, and both have issues.
I´ve dealt with BAR , Blackpool Air Rifles, for many years, and bought a few guns from Lloyd when they were allowed to export, and I can tell you they don´t do things light earthed. they are probably one of the most respected airgun dealers in the UK and in Europe. They did the same with the Condor/Gunpower. because of to many complaints

You have freedom of speech over on t.a.g this is a good airgun site but it feels sometimes freedom of speech is not liked,
Rgds steve
I think some people get things for free to make a good review..
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