Gauntlet .25 mods -Sure do love the 22ci tank and the 2200psi regulator. I am able to effectively hit 5gal buckets at beyond 225yard now using Grizzly. Test range is literally out back sliding window, so its quick to read my wind indicators, pop in a Grizzly, and listen to the sounds of metal actives, buckets, etc SMASH at 175-225yards without much compensation.
HAJIMITO - i have been getting sick of my 10' or so of gorillaTape i used on shroud along with three tie wraps for my 'barrel band'. Its works well, leaves PointOfImpact pretty tight so long as it doesn't get knocked off stand by a 2yr old GSpointer!
at this point i have been wondering about the REAL barrel band and trying to see if it will fit over the ExpertHPA 22ci tank or if slightly different? I cant locate my caliper at this point.....