Umarex Notos air fill problem

So I recently purchased the Notos rifle. Everything was working fine until I decided to adjust the trigger and also adjusted the hammer spring. According to the manual, you take all the pressure out of the cylinder, they call it degassing. Before you change any settings on the trigger or the hammer spring. Last night I adjusted those things after releasing the pressure. This morning it will not take air at all. I checked my compressor it’s working fine. Has anybody had this problem?
Any advice will be gladly accepted. Thank you.
I am assuming you are going straight into the gun from the compressor? There isn't enough volume / pressure sometimes that way to get the valve to seal again. If having the hammer cocked isn't working, try to find someone with a tank that can give it a higher volume burst of air to seal the valve. If you don't know anyone with that, and do have a fairly large water trap / filter, you can use that as the sealing source if you put a one way valve on the compressor side and a shutoff valve followed by a bleed valve on the gun side. I have done that several times to get a seal on an empty gun, before I had any tanks.

In the future, just be safe when working on adjustments but you might want to ignore the degassing recommendation.

I would only degass my gun to make adjustments if having pressure in there would damage something like the regulator seals or is required such as with the Uragan 2. Degassing to make trigger and hammer spring adjustments is just the legal department at Umarex putting in their two bits. I think FX tells you to remove the bottle and degas the M3 before changing barrels. I never do that but I keep body parts away from any HPA opening and wear eye protection at all times if there is air in the gun.
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I thik my question is answered above. Is it OK to dry fire the Notos while adjusting the trigger?
Yes you can always dry fire PCP ... BUT only with air in it for guns like Notos where the poppet needs the resistance of the air so it doesn't get slammed by the hammer and crack.

For example: It's like a break barrel you want the resistance of the pellet in there otherwise the piston slams and that's not good
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Thank you for all your help. So here's what I did:
After cocking the gun and hooking up the compressor, I crossed my fingers... the gauge did not move.
But I noticed air was coming from the barrel at the loading end. I figured what the hell, so I put my finger over it just for a second or two and it started to fill it up! Fired off a couple shots and all was good.

Our daughter came over for Labor day and we all had fun taking turns shooting at targets. Trading off with the Notos and our Sig P226 pellet pistol. You guys helped to give me the confidence that I hadn't f**ked it up to badly. Thanks again!
hi everyone I got a problem with my umarex notos when I fill up the gun with my compressor when I bleed the valve all the air bleed also from my gun???any idea why is doing that????

See the example above. We'll need more info, like, how are you filling it now, do you have access to a tank to apply more pressure up front, are you cocking it to fill, has it been fine in the past and this is new, etc...

See the example above. We'll need more info, like, how are you filling it now, do you have access to a tank to apply more pressure up front, are you cocking it to fill, has it been fine in the past and this is new, etc...

it was working fine until yesterday I try to fill up but when release the purge valve in my compressor all the air bleed front the gun too ??? no idea why I didn't change anything is all stock
The fill probe is inside the fill cap/fitting and just underneath it inside the air tube is a small screw and o-ring attached to the bottom of that fitting.

This allows high pressure air to enter the air tube but the o-ring stops the air from escaping once the bleed valve is opened.

This screw should just kiss the o-ring and not sit off of it nor compress it.

Check that then reassemble and see if that solves your issue.
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The fill probe is inside the fill cap/fitting and just underneath it inside the air tube is a small screw and o-ring attached to the bottom of that fitting.

This allows high pressure air to enter the air tube but the o-ring stops the air from escaping once the bleed valve is opened.

This screw should just kiss the o-ring and not sit off of it nor compress it.

Check that then reassemble and see if that solves your issue.
it works,!!! thank you so much for your help really appreciate your time 🙏🙏🙏🙏