Nope, you are a little turned around here...
C88machining sells the FX barrel kit, he does not have any liners.
You mentioned Pyramid had barrels on sale, I posted the naming convention for the parts in the assembly so you knew you only need the liner from Pyramid.
C88machining's kit is specifically made just for the Notos, yes.
FML! They still have the sale but not on any FX items anymore! Over the weekend I was chatting with someone just yesterday actually and he said the sale was going through till the 4th! But apparently he was either misinformed & misinformed me by mistake. For they do have the Labor Day sale going but not on any FX items anymore..
Do you recommend any better spots I can pick one up? Sorry about the confusion man. I do have a bit of brain-bamage. & yes I spelled it that way on purpose lol, too many hits to the head... They used to call it B.H.T-(blunt head trauma) now I believe they call CTE.. Almost like when George Carlin was doing the skit about pusifying words.. "first it went from Shell shock, then to battle fatigue, then after that P.T.S.D.."They don't call us jar heads for nothing...
Nobody made me sign up. 911 came and then my friends and I all joined. Straight out of high school. We all went our separate ways though. I was fortunate enough to actually part of the first time they brought back the SF's Marine Raider squadron since WWII. I worked directly with Marine Force Recon, & the Navy Seals we're our Elite chauffeurs so to speak; personal pickup and drop off service.
Some good times but definitely did suffer a lot from it. Been doing labor my whole life mostly hot topping driveways by hand. Learned it by an Army Ranger buddy of mine who went to Iraq did his own SF's thing, and then after started Paving the roads for Iraq after he destroyed them LOL. He started his own company about 15 years ago. I worked/learned for him when I got out of rehab after sustaining my injuries for a few years. Then entered the Laborers Union and started Paving highways after his company went bankrupt. (He passed away shortly afterwards).Than until a year and a half ago when I got juiced by 480volts atop an 8-ft ladder by slamming a junction box by accident with my 2½ lb handheld sledgehammer. I thought&was told was

& tagged out by my own Superintendent as well as the other electrical Foreman to be dead air duck conduit that was dropped within a foot of my workspace. Woke up on the ground and lucky to be alive. 4 herniated disc's in cervical spine in serious neurological issues way too much to describe for I've already said enough I'm sure about it.
-Pls Pardon me if I forget things that I said and ask similar questions or same. It's not done intentionally, Nor am I making excuses for it. Just a little back drop on my situation.. and definitely don't want or looking for any pity. The way of the warrior life is dangerous, as is the working Man providing for his family, and I'm sure that applies to all of us guys here. Apologies again from the HUMONGOUS rant I'll end it now.
*** Now comes the real questions. Do you recommend me putting it all together first? or buying all the bolt on parts that Id like to put on it and then start? My thought process is this: If I'm going to mod the internals I may as well just start taking it apart instead of putting it together. Pls let me know what are your thoughts on that? For I definitely want to do the drop bottle mod that you have done. I'd love/want to mod all the internals hint hint

then trick it out with the buck and real mlock folding stock adapter and picatinny/mlock 4 end. Basically pretty much exactly what you did. Not trying to be a copycat or anything but I believe that set up would work ideal for my needs. Thanks again -Stephen