I’m trying to help out a friend and to source him a fill probe O ring for his .22 Origin. Anybody have the o ring size ? Umarex is no help I’ve already called and no Google is no help. I’ve already scoured the internet before posting This.
First I got to say...Umarex was sending me a new Origin fill probe free of charge... Been waiting over two years now luckily, I found my original one. Sorry Umarex, I'll never let that go. Not mad though, as I wasn't charged. Just saddened me. Probably got lost in the mail...
Standard 008 (3/16 x 5/16) might work just by eyeballing, can't get the little bugger off to tell for sure. Don't have my metric kit handy at the moment, not certain if a metric equivalent 8mm OD would be a better fit (maybe 8mm OD x 5mm ID, 1.5mm thick).