Umarex Origin POI shift issues

Decided to take a break from powder burners and ordered a new Umarex Origin in .22 a couple weeks ago. I have been super happy with it so far except for one very annoying issue. Dramatic point of impact shifts from day to day. I know this issue is well-known but I am wondering if anyone has found a definite solution? I have removed the shroud and front pic rail and snugged up/lock tited all barrel screws. My gun is the newer version with the threaded shroud and plastic barrel stabilizer at the muzzle. I have also used a piece of weed whacker string to help tighten up the barrel band. Still having maddening changes in poi. Get her dead-nuts zeroed one afternoon and could miss a barn the next day. I've about had it. I will sell it for something better in a second if it cannot be fixed. I am wondering if the DonnyFL adapter he sells for the Avenger/Origin would be a worthwhile possibility? I refuse to accept that I'll have to re-zero the gun every time I take it out of the safe! Any help appreciated!

Also would like to add that any advice along the lines of "don't let the shroud/barrel touch anything" is unacceptable to me. This is a working tool for me and I cannot go around treating it like a baby.
I do not know that rifle but the problem normally is in the scope, no matter is a super good one. You need to do the following in order to make the scope be defently zeroed:

Dial vertical tourrent slowly all way up and then all way down. Do it four times.

Then return it to the aprox middle.

Then, dial horizontal tourrent all way left and then all way right. Do it four times.

Then return it to the aprox middle.

Let the scope rest half an hour.

Then re-zero the scope. If the scope works properly then it will keep the zero permanently and you will not have changes in the POI.
In most cases, the shroud is not a means of saving money in production. It is usually about quieting down the gun.
The "soda straw" barrel is a factor for certain though.

Regarding temperature being the culprit. I don't see that as a cause in my Origin. Both my first and second Origins have metal shrouds. The fist one was extremely accurate and consistent, The second one, not so much regardless of ambient temperature or shooting in the shade vs in direct sunlight.
A plastic barrel band with a bolts to snug it to the air tube with an additional slip on band near the muzzle stabilized mine well enough to make it much more consitant.

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Where did you find that barrel band?
Where did you find that barrel band?
the first one was on Ebay, but I don't think it is available anymore. I loaned that one to another Origin owner, and he offered to buy it from me, so I got one from Buck Rail that is on mine now.

Yes, it says it is for the Avenger, but it fits the Origin just fine and does a good job keeping flex in check.
Just a couple of notes to add. In my opinion this problem is rarely the scope. Totally disagree with the poster that said that. It is usually something with the gun/barrel. I have done a lot of reading and often a barrel band can cause this. I’ve read numerous avenger owners (basically the same gun) that figured out the poi was cause from the air cylinders slight expansion when filling with air. The expansion pushes on the the barrel band which slightly pushes the shroud which shifts the barrel ever so slightly. As you shoot and the pressure goes down it will end up in original position.
Just a couple of notes to add. In my opinion this problem is rarely the scope. Totally disagree with the poster that said that. It is usually something with the gun/barrel. I have done a lot of reading and often a barrel band can cause this. I’ve read numerous avenger owners (basically the same gun) that figured out the poi was cause from the air cylinders slight expansion when filling with air. The expansion pushes on the the barrel band which slightly pushes the shroud which shifts the barrel ever so slightly. As you shoot and the pressure goes down it will end up in original position.
All know is that the barrel band cured mine.
I first tried one of the slip on kind and it did not do much of anything.
The one that fixed it had clamping screws. I placed it about an inch from the forearm and bingo!
Maybe the three bolt clamp limits the expansion,( if the unlikely event that tube expands enough to make a change at all), but it also took the flex out of the barrel and shroud.

The other thing that helped was using a single shot loader. Not sure if the magazines deform the pellets, or the SSL making me take my time makes the difference.

I haven't shot mine much since I got my RTI, but all of this Origin talk has me wanting to get it out when I get home this week.
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