Umarex Umarex Zelos

I tried really hard to buy a Zelos over the weekend on-line at the UmarexUSA site. I chose to purchase from their site since I found a $60 off coupon and they don't charge sales tax outside of AR plus free shipping.

Tried on Sat & Sun, and every time I pushed the pay button I got an error message.

Seems like the only thing which worked fairly well (and WAY too often) on the site was the re-CAPTCHA puzzle, which would pop up over and over and over and over again whenever I tried to do anything new.

So Umarex sends me an email which says continue with the purchase and here is a 12% off coupon you can use. I use the email's link back to my cart, discard the existing coupon (10%), and put in the 12% coupon they sent me. No worky. Put the 10% coupon back in - and it no longer works either.

In the mean time I had watched a video review of the Snowpeak M60 (a Spanish video) where all the guy could keep saying after shooting his target groups was "based on what I had heard, I was expecting a whole lot more out of the performance of this rifle." (Sorry but I haven't been able to find that video again!)

So no Zelos for me. Too much baggage with Umarex and Snowpeak, and too difficult to order through the company's own web site. I'll continue to enjoy my 2 Notos's (Noti?), but at their price-point they were worth the risk (especially the second one I bought when Pyramyd was having their 20% off birthday sale).
Found the vid:

Granted this is a Snowpeak M60 review, but rightly or wrongly I am assuming that the Zelos is nothing but a Snowpeak M60 with a different name etched on the side.

Just watched the video and brushed up on my Spanish.

Tough to draw any “accuracy potential” conclusions when the guy is doing all the shooting with the butt of the rifle unsupported. In fact, I was kind of impressed with the potential of the gun based on the shooting style I saw.

I’ve got an M60b on the way from Wes, looking forward to putting it through the wringer and reporting back.
Just watched the video and brushed up on my Spanish.

Tough to draw any “accuracy potential” conclusions when the guy is doing all the shooting with the butt of the rifle unsupported. In fact, I was kind of impressed with the potential of the gun based on the shooting style I saw.

I’ve got an M60b on the way from Wes, looking forward to putting it through the wringer and reporting back.
Yep! Mine is on order also. Long list ahead of me. It will be fun when I get it.
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