Will agree on the buttpad, the trigger can be lightened ,my Ghost Carbine is an efficient shooter, sending JSB Exact Jumbo 18.13s and CPHPs. I don’t have an issue with the AK47 style grip… The larger capacity magazines, why? So they can get in the way of your face? I personally dislike those huge FX mags sticking “way out” of the guns. The only time I go through multiple magazines is in my plinking sessions. Loading magazines “is” a part if the shooting process, unless you have a “gun bearer” handling that for you…
Quality costs good money… Seems you gone from liking the Ghost to being a detractor?
Yes but are those piles of huge FX magazines as high quality.? I would personally rather have one good quality metal magazine. Then a whole bunch of plastic ones… Extra mags as it applies to firearms oh yeah. For the casual airgunners? Overrated as you are not fighting off threats, just maybe hunting, plinking, pesting or targets…. Complaints about magazine shot counts? Are just that, complaints…
As for caliber changes? Another overstated, non feature, of certain PCPs. The majority will buy a Ghost or multiple caliber platform and use just the one caliber. Why? Because, in theory caliber changes are simple. In practice, not so much. As you have to reset your gun to the new caliber… And the prior caliber kit just sits.,until you decide to repeat the process. More practical to some to just get a second PCP. For instance I have zero desire to change my .22 Ghost into any other caliber…