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UPDATE: FT shoot in Pendleton, Orygun on May 11th.

Today's FT shoot went well. We had nine shooters with three being from out of the local area: Colin and Newell from Washington and Bob from Oregon. I was expecting some more shooters from out of the area but that didn't materialize. We had a quick shooters meeting a bit after 10:00 then got started. Two rounds of six shooting locations with each location having between three and six targets. Between rounds everyone grabbed drinks and BS'd for about an hour in the shade of my garage. It was 100% sunny and very warm for May, somewhere about 80*. Sorry for the not-great pictures.


Location A was six animal spinners at approximately 20 yards with the smallest one being about the size of my pinky nail.


Location B was five animal kill-zone knock downs at approximately 35-47 yards.



Locations C was a rack of six discs with kill zones, 2" to 1/2" holes, at about 35 yards.


Location D was five spoons at about 20 yards, standing position only with the largest being about 1.5" in diameter and the smallest one about 3/8" diameter.


Locations E was a sawhorse with suckers on top, peppermints on the front and ketchup packets hanging below it at approximately 20 yards with a steep uphill angle.

NO PICTURE, already disassembles.

Location F was shotgun primers pressed into a steel plate, bell, clay pigeons at about 60 yards and a frying pan at about 80 yards.


A perfect score was 88 points. Wade ended up beating the daylights out of everyone else with an 82 score. 2nd and 3rd places were 65 & 63. Way to go Wade shooting his trusty Marauder!


I'll likely have another shoot this fall, maybe late September or early October. There will likely be more targets than today.