Update II - JKHAN noblesse test and HuMa regulator install

So, I got to work on the Noblesse a bit today, and did a chrono test prior to installing the reg. With a 200 bar fill over a 20 shot string using JSB 18.13gr pellets, I got these readings.... 1035fps, 1037fps, 1031fps, 1019.7fps, 1014.6fps, 1008.3fps, 990.2fps, 975.2fps, 969.9fps, 963.2fps, 959.9fps, 954fps, 947fps, 942fps, 934.1fps, 923.5fps, 928.3fps, 921.2fps, 918.3fps, 912.8fps ... This is very hot for these pellets and my guess is at long range they will spiral at this velocity. So not really a bell curve with a sweet spot in the middle more like a decreasing output after each shot. I was hoping the HuMa reg and a reduced hammer spring would get me in the 850fps area for around 40 shots after the install. 

so I tore the gun down and installed the HuMa reg as shown...

I took off the main O ring at the threads that the air cylinder mates up to so that the hole in the side of the regulator can bleed. I put on some silicon molykote on the seal during install and none of the O rings tore. It is a pretty straightforward install, but on filling the air cylinder back up, I can hear air leaking out of it. It appears as if the large O ring on the large end of the regulator is not really tight enough against the inside of the air cylinder. Anyone know if I am doing something wrong???

i followed the instructions on this YouTube video 
the only difference between the Evanix in the video is that I could not seem to remove my air tube with the gauge and housing assembly. I just unscrewed it at threads prior to the gauge housing. There is also no spring that comes out either on the noblesse.

Am I missing something???

I dismantled and tried again. Stephen I did install it like the site to start with, but once the air cylinder is placed over it, and screwed in, it does rotate inside. Also it was after filling was done, the air cylinder leaked out. The picture was done after the first build. It was likely an O ring needing to bed in properly. Anyway, this time no leaks when charging to 2500 psi, and right out the gate it settled into a reliable good pattern..... Approx 20 good shots before it falls off the regulator. Likely more at 2900 psi charge next time.

901.9fps, 906.9fps, 901.7fps, 900fps, 905.2fps, 909.9fps, 895.9fps, 901.8fps,894.2fps, 902.5fps, 905.3fps, 905.8fps, 904.6fps, 900.8fps, 896.7fps, 901.4fps, 910.7fps, 912fps, 917.5fps, 895.9fps, 892.2fps, 889.9fps, 886.2fps, 881.7fps, 882.7fps, 874.2fps, 870fps, 862.5fps, 856.8fps, 858.4fps

I reckon as the HuMa beds in with use, it will get tighter. I will also back out the new hammer spring a turn or so as it appears it is still too heavy. I want to get the JSB 18.13 's down to about 850fps consistently as that is where I hear they perform the best and it's a crap shoot above 860fps if they start spiraling or not.

So I think I am in a good spot right now for my first regulator installation. I will leave the gun filled to 2900 psi overnight to see if it leaks down still.
Try lightening the hammer and hammerspring. Often needed to get a decent shot string with regulated rifles.
Position of the vent hole shouldn't make a difference, as long as it is venting properly. 
Only advantage of a vent hole positioned at the bottom of the tube is preventing dirt to get in.

Check out Matt's thread of regulating the AA S510 ultimate sporter, that goes as well for your gun.

"amoxom"I did put in a reduced pressure hammer spring. I can adjust that afterwards. My main concern is the air leak. There is no point in doing anything else until that gets fixed. It just seems like the main O ring on the reg is not tight enough on the inside of the air cylinder. I may have to go to the hardware store to see if they have some that may fit.
Oh, I see, ok :) About the vent hole, I was thinking "vent hole in the air tube" but I see now you have the one where you don't need to drill a hole in the air tube.
Fair enough, but still the position of the vent hole is not important:)

The chance is big that the O-ring of your reg. got damaged by the thread of the air tube while placing the reg.
When that O-ring gets damaged, the air will come out via the thread of the air tube. Didn't you get a spare ring with the reg.?
I ran into an o-ring clipping problem when doing a little tuning on my Marauder. I found sharp edges on some of the openings in the air tube. You might check for that. I got my o-rings at Industrial Rubber in my old home town Alexandria, LA. See if you have a supplier like that in your area. The regular rings are a 70 dura meter (?) and I tried a 90 thinking they would be tougher. They were tougher. So tough I couldn't push the valve block back down the air tube. If your ring is too loose you might try a harder ring. A bonus of going to the industrial supplier is you get expert help and a much wider selection of parts to choose from MUCH cheaper than the box stores.
I got one for .79 cents from ACE Hardware. It's a Danco co. O ring stock# 35737B that appears close to the HuMa one, but a little beefier, and a little less circumference. I just re-pressurized the gun waiting to do a chrono string after turning the hammer spring back out a few turns. So far it is holding its pressure. Will report back with chrono velocities.
So just got the print out from my PACT chronograph after fitting a new O ring onto the regulator body, and turning down the pressure on the lighter hammer spring so far I am impressed over a 40 shot string!!!

857fps, 847.9fps, 851.4fps, 841.5fps, 850.7fps, 859.9fps, 848.1fps, 844.8fps, 859.2fps, 853.9fps, 852.8fps, 848.9fps, 842.3fps, 850.4fps, 856.1fps, 849.3fps, 849fps, 859.4fps, 848.5fps, 852.4fps, 853.1fps, 856fps, 852.4fps, 854.1fps, 862.5fps, 864.9fps, 854.6fps, 858.4fps, 860.1fps, 859.4fps, 854.6fps, 859.2fps, 845.1fps, 850.3fps, 848.3fps, 845.7fps, 843.3fps, 836.5fps, 833.6fps, 832fps

Average Velocity is 851.2fps and Standard Deviation was 7.5fps and I believe that will get better as the regulator beds in.
FPE = 29.18 

There were 3 shots that I did at the end of each magazine that were dry fires as I cannot count to 10 it would appear! So I added 3 more at the end to round it out to a total of 40 shots. It came off the regulator at shot 37 which would have been right on shot 40 if I had not miscounted. So right here is a decent string that I think my work is done on developing further. It was 40 degrees in my garage also when I did this so it is possible velocity might be slightly higher in warmer temps. That said, I think this is as far as I need to go.

Fingers crossed the gun stays airtight overnight.
So I spoke to Nick of Air Superiority. (Super nice guy), and he offered to help me by sending me a whole new regulator!!! Talk about customer service. It was an Evanix variant in .25 version, but Nick said I could just swap out the piece that interfaces to the breech block.
Anyway, I swapped it out, filled it up to 2900 psi and shot it a few times. Then I let it sit during the evening, and unfortunately, this one slowly leaked as well. While it is possible to have two bad regs, it is unlikely. It was at this point, that I was convinced it is the O ring on the main regulator barrel inside the air cylinder. So another trip back to ACE Hardware, and got a slightly smaller diameter ring, but a little thicker. So I used the original reg plenum, on with some molykote grease and it was definitely a firmer fit to get into the air cylinder. Fingers crossed, this does it. So onto testing. I ran a 40 shot string with JSB 18.13 pellets and got an average velocity of 863.8fps a HIGH of 872.2fps and a LOW of 854.8fps Standard Deviation was 4.4fps!!!! I am so happy with that consistency!!

Then I recharged back to 2900psi, and ran a 50 shot string. This time with H&N Crow Magnum 18.21gr pellets. I achieved an average velocity of 842.4fps. A HIGH of 858.8fps and a LOW of 825.7fps Standard Deviation was 8.9fps. So not too shabby.

I just hope it stays charged overnight. If not, I am at a loss of what to do next.