Update II - JKHAN noblesse test and HuMa regulator install

Hi There buddy!

Glad the reg is showing some promise. Dont worry too much we will take care of this problem, I already ordered another Jkhan reg for you to try. I highly doubt its the regulator itself, although I have been known to be wrong. I think its the adapter that is fitted to the valve body. Its probably leaking there. Unfortunately I did not have the correct orings in stock at the time to send you, but I have ordered them as well.

Thanks Nick, much appreciated. This HuMa reg has transformed this gun into a solid platform when shooting. If I can keep the air in it, this will be a huge bonus! Right now, the gun is back to stock and will be left overnight just to be sure.

Question, if the air is leaking from the valve body adaptor, that means air must still be getting past the main seal on the reg plenum body?? Am I off base?

So I did some more research about the inside of many air cylinders. They are not polished to the same level of finish as on the outside for obvious reasons. Anyway, I followed this Robert Lane video on Youtube that he has on his site.... 

And and then this one on slow leaks.
All related of course. 

So I got some p400 then p800 grit wet/dry paper and then made a small drum I could chuck in my battery powered drill, and I honed out the area above the cylinder threads that the reg barrel sits in starting with 400, then finishing with 800grit. Then I flushed everything out with brakeleen, dried it all out and re-greased and refitted the reg. I filled to 3000 psi, then did a 60 shot string, averaging 858.9fps with a high of 871.5 and a low of 823.4( which btw was shot 60) the string dropped off the regulator at shot 54 with a velocity of 849.6, then dropped steadily down with 845.3, 838.4, 840.3, 833.3, 836.5, 823.4 

shot 50 was still at 860 fps. So consistency wise, this gun doesn't miss a beat, and having a 50 shot capability is awesome. I re-filled the air cylinder to 2000psi to get it back into the regulated pressure and I will let it sit overnight to see if the honing out of the air cylinder has made a difference. Fingers crossed this time it works. Failing that, I may need to look at a slightly larger O'ring again made from softer material that can fill imperfections better. I am certain it is the main seal that is the culprit.