Tuning Update On Avenger Returned Leaking Worse

I posted on this last week, I have since then done a video of the actual reply and what was said that was done, and watching it drop air pressure from 12 hours to a couple of days. This is from the moment I got it back, my thoughts when I saw it after reading the info (if you're offended by a few choice words skip the response when the warning shows up), the leak at 12 hours later, leak at 24 hours, leak t 48 hours. Just wow, impossible for them not to see a leak. No more AV guns for me, I'll get this one worked on and set up nice, but I shouldn't have to do that if I don't wanna.

That is terrible. Sorry you have experienced such poor service. Now is a good time for the company to shine once they are aware of this repair mishap. They should send you a repair authorization number with a return shipping label, once aware. Have you contacted them? A weak company may just ignore once they have already received a ding by their customer publicly. A good company will learn from this and improve their policies.
It sucks man.

My reg was abused from the factory (deep impression in seat surface, probably adjusted down when pressurized....NOT by me). I tried to get parts from AV. They told me they don't have any.

If that's true, it might explain why they didn't do anything to your gun....not that that's an excuse, or will make you feel any better..

I'll never buy another one of their products.