*****UPDATE!***** Shoebox Parts List with Links *****UPDATE!*****

Hello AGN'ers!

Did some more work on the Shoebox parts with links spreadsheet. There are only a few now that are not found, I'll keep searching for those few and update again when found

I have been working on an Excel spreadsheet for a long time, trying to duplicate all of the Shoebox parts for replacement when necessary. Not always knowing what the parts are called was a hurdle. I also asked AlanMcD to look over my shoulder on the effort, a good resource!
I believe that I have MOST of the parts included in this latest spreadsheet along with links to the parts (mostly McMaster-Carr).
However, there are as most know, several custom parts that only Mr. Kaye knows about procuring them.
So, I am suggesting that perhaps Mr. Kaye, from previous posts, can possibly procure those custom parts on a somewhat limited basis by adding them to a run of parts for OCO Labs when appropriate. Zack at OCO has pretty-much confirmed this possibility in past correspondence.
The spreadsheet is attached, and I am hopeful that it makes sense and is available to you should you need at least some of the parts listed....it's shocking how many parts are actually needed to manufacture these little gems!


View attachment SB Test.xls
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krrtlr1/Tracy --=--
Contact Zack at OCO Labs, they can make the 'newer' ones that use O-Rings that last a long time, especially removing/re-installing.
A little costly at around $30 per piece, but I have NOT been able to find the fittings that are used (dang it!).
You will need to give fairly exact tubing dimensions as the ferrules are pressed-on, not threaded, with a specialized tool.
I made a small drawing with dimensions and the radius of the 'U' bend included in real size and emailed it with my request to Zack. While the radii and long leg were the same the short legs were slightly different with the rear one being about .125" longer.
[email protected]

Box Air Line 2.jpgBox Air Line 1.jpg

Hello AGN'ers!

I have been working on an Excel spreadsheet for a long time, trying to duplicate all of the Shoebox parts for replacement when necessary. Not always knowing what the parts are called was a hurdle. I also asked AlanMcD to look over my shoulder on the effort, a good resource!
I believe that I have MOST of the parts included in this latest spreadsheet along with links to the parts (mostly McMaster-Carr).
However, there are as most know, several custom parts that only Mr. Kaye knows about procuring them.
So, I am suggesting that perhaps Mr. Kaye, from previous posts, can possibly procure those custom parts on a somewhat limited basis by adding them to a run of parts for OCO Labs when appropriate. Zack at OCO has pretty-much confirmed this possibility in past correspondence.
The spreadsheet is attached, and I am hopeful that it makes sense and is available to you should you need at least some of the parts listed....it's shocking how many parts are actually needed to manufacture these little gems!


View attachment 474420