Upgraded pellet trap support

I just finished my new brick column to support my pellet trap(s) at 30 yards from my shooting bench. I carefully used my steel measuring tape to locate 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, and almost 35 yards from my shooting bench a couple years ago. I put a 12 inch square paver at all but 25 and 35 yards and those got brick columns. A big oak fell down shifting the 25 yard and I started shooting a lot of targets at 30 yards. I've using my movable support made from an old brake caliper and some pressure treated scraps but I decided to upgrade the 30 yard to a brick column yesterday. It would have been a one day project except for the effect of my 69 years on my stamina. A bag of concrete is the base of the column then recycled bricks then a 24x24 concrete paver on top. That was heavy. I used a 16x16 on the earlier columns but wanted more space for two traps at a time. I lift the traps for multiple reasons but a big one is to protect my dog. They are above her height even though she normally has sense enough to stay away.


The previous owner inspected a sailboat that was stuck in the mud once. The current owners had it towed off. There were no holes. Nearly the only pellets that hit the lake were fired into the lake deliberately testing moderators. Those pellets are shot out into open water with no houses in the path. Pellets hitting the trap are louder than good moderators. I think shooting into traps helps maintain good relationships with the neighbors. It's over 200 yards to the far shore so a pellet could get there but I'd have to be aiming up at a pretty good angle.