Hmmm, do you REALLY...know the manufacturing costs ?
I worked in the Aerospace Industry most of my adult life. Unless you are really involved, you really don't know what the "initial" casts are.
Design, tooling, manufacturing, testing, rework, outside costs, hardware costs, packaging costs, possibly advertising costs.
It adds up VERY quickly. While yes, things cost more today than yesterday...the manufacturing costs...also cost more !
A while back I stopped by a shop that makes Allen head screw drivers (airguns and RC cars). During my time there, I asked why were their drivers more expensive than many other brands. He took me out to the shop and we walked the whole floor. Well, like I said above, having a pretty good working knowledge of manufacturing hi-end parts, it was pretty clear why their tools were a bit higher in cost than others.
So yeah, well designed, well built stuff...costs money.