I'm curious to know , from owners of the Uragan2 , .22 caliber, with the 600mm barrel, the findings on a pure accuracy basis with slugs and which slugs.
Bullet speed , Type of slug/bullet. Weight of said bullet/slug.
I have seen very little on this. I'm just curious what other users are seeing.
I have used this gun and it will launch just about any projectile accurately. Not just slugs/bullets.
So far I have tried
- Altaros 32.3 grain Smooth-slug
-Impulse air, 22 grain.-slug
- JSB 18.13-Pellet
-JSB 15.89 - Pellet
- JTS..............THIS AND THAT......almost all of them ( JTS ) in .22 caliber. They are very good but about the same overall as JSB. Depending on the day.
-Neilson bullets 17.5 grainers - those things were moving. - As long at no wind at all except for slight current.............they are good but in my gun way too fast. Slight wind and a huge dispersion.
Bullet speed , Type of slug/bullet. Weight of said bullet/slug.
I have seen very little on this. I'm just curious what other users are seeing.
I have used this gun and it will launch just about any projectile accurately. Not just slugs/bullets.
So far I have tried
- Altaros 32.3 grain Smooth-slug
-Impulse air, 22 grain.-slug
- JSB 18.13-Pellet
-JSB 15.89 - Pellet
- JTS..............THIS AND THAT......almost all of them ( JTS ) in .22 caliber. They are very good but about the same overall as JSB. Depending on the day.
-Neilson bullets 17.5 grainers - those things were moving. - As long at no wind at all except for slight current.............they are good but in my gun way too fast. Slight wind and a huge dispersion.
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