Urban home shooting question..

Is it legal to shoot in your house with the target being outside? Like shooting thru a window...door ?
Legal or not, how “safe” is such a shooting setup where you cannot get a good 180 degree view? @Chief Ten-Beers, Let’s not turn this into an anti Po Po thread. There are many good people doing a difficult job, their are bad humans in “all” professions…🙏 But the majority are “good human beings”…
If you are shooting anything out the window in the city it's best to know how a cop is going to react to it. Sooner or later someone will notice you and call them. Even if it's "legal" it has the potential to be a huge hassle.

Any time you do anything with an airgun assume people will think it's a firearm. The cops are going to arrive assuming that it is. Guys get shot holding a cell phone when cops are expecting trouble. A barrel sticking out a window could easily draw fire.

Is it legal? Maybe. Ask someone who knows the law you can trust.

Is it wise? I guess that's up to each individual to decide based on their situation.
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As far as I’ve been able to tell it’s legal for me to shoot airguns in my backyard and I do so often especially with competition season about to start. I take extra precautions just to be safe and no one has said a word. The few times I have asked law enforcement a firearms question the answer depends on the officer and department. I agree though that most officers are good people doing a difficult job. It’s certainly one I couldn’t do.

Rick H.
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Legal or not, how “safe” is such a shooting setup where you cannot get a good 180 degree view? @Chief Ten-Beers, Let’s not turn this into an anti Po Po thread. There are many good people doing a difficult job, their are bad humans in “all” professions…🙏 But the majority are “good human beings”…
I never said anything Anti Cop. I said what any "Attorney" worth their salt would tell you.
You really have to check your ordinance and state statute.

I agree, somewhat, on not asking LE on the spot. The reason why I say that is there are a lot of laws. More than can be memorized. You could ask 5 LE at the same agency and 1 might know. It comes down to what they have had exposure to. If you ask, their answer should probably be “let me look that up for you.” Or you look it up yourself and let them keep to their business.
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