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Resources USA vs European Field Target

Look at NRL Hunter matches. Each stage is a blind stage. The timer (usually 5 minutes) starts and you hustle to the shooting line. There is a sign telling you what the targets are and the order to shoot them. You have to find the targets, range the targets, figure out your dope and shoot. Finding them would be easy with knock-over targets (follow the string), but it would still be a challenge. They don't use different classes in the regular matches, just a weight limit of 16 pounds. You can use any support equipment, but you have to carry it all with you and deploy it on the clock.

Yeah, I like that! 👍🏼
I feel like a known distance match should have two minutes per lane. I mean, you know the distance so you should know your dope before you sit down. Just sit down and shoot. Some of the fussing and fidgeting that goes on between shots can be excruciating to watch.
I don't disagree about the fidgeting. Drives me nuts. If the ranges are given before the match, with a course of fire including kz size, 2min is perfect. If you reveal the target range at each lane, 3min would be plenty.
Hey RHB, I have seen that in person in the UK, with Gary not too far away from me. I was at the Worlds HFT Comp in September and it was a blast. I shot normal UK HFT and finished midpack as I knew I would (1st attempt, as I am a FT shooter in the USA). The STICKS CLASS came about within the last year and has really caught on over there. They use the TriPod sticks and have to shoot the entire course (except the mandatory normal unsupported standers) standing, using their tripods. They dont lay on the ground like the rest of the HFT guys. The shots for the normal HFT guys that would be a under the og type of shot, thats not visible while they use their tripids, are a freebie for them. So they get 2 points on that peg. The guys there shoot 30 lanes, 2 points for a knockdown, 1 point for hitting the steel faceplate and 0 for a miss. The STICKS CLASS is harder than it looks and definately not as stable as shooting prone off the peg. But it enables the guys who dont want to get up and down off the ground, or get their clothes muddy and cold, to still keep shootin. Its gaining speed over there and I think we should come up with the same here in the USA. It could be just like in the UK and be a sticks class. Its Hunter, but STICKS. Hmmmm, lets get people thinkin and arguing over a new class...hahaha......BC
Hey Bill,
We tried that a few years ago, but called it unlimited/freestyle/whatever. Basically, hunter class but with clicking (elevation turret) allowed for all of us old guys. Brought it up the annual AAFTA meeting in 2017. It was tried for a year, I believe, but shot down. Similar in general concept to the "sticks class" in the UK, just using a different position.
I have read some dialog that it is being suggested again, and again for the same reasons; guys are getting older, cannot attain the position (such as open class bum bags and harnesses), but still want to shoot.
I can almost understand the rationale behind it, too. You get 12 guys at a match shooting 12 different disciplines. Not gonna fly.
Of course, as you well know, I am one of the dinasaurs who still shoot open piston class. I worked to get where I am, but not everyone wants to do that. Doesn't matter, I am having fun. Oh, I forgot to metion, I have bad knees also. LOL.
A lot of shooting being done around the world by all sorts of ages, shapes, and sizes of people. So long as they are having fun, what's the worry?
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Springer shooters are becoming less and less common in field target. There will often be none, but sometimes one or two at the 3 different clubs monthly matches I attend.

But to address the question behind your question.....I suppose if they're good at consistently putting those sticks in the same place every time they probably get consistent (for a springer) POIs. I shot springer field target for awhile, about 5 years ago, and in a game where consistency matters so much, springers were a frustrating endeavor, for me at least.
I have a TX200 which I could use in the springer class, but do I want to?? Nah! I'd rather the PCP any day. Springers are a carryover from the olden days when that's all they had over in the old country.