used FX monsoon semi-auto problems

I recently bought a used FX Monsoon to replace my first one, lost in a fire. I was surprised that it did not have an air gauge on the gun. This has caused some problems not knowing how much air is in the gun, especially now that it leaks air overnight after only shooting it for a week. If there is too little air in the gun, it will not load the next pellet automatically or sometimes will shoot two pellets with single trigger pull....sounds like a single shot, but you can see the second one through the scope going slow and falls well short of the target. Also, too much air in the gun causes the next pellet not to chamber,(I accidentally filled the gun the first time to 3600 PSI, according to the gauge on my bottle, which doesn't read in BAR); Had to cock it manually for 10-15 shots before it started cycling automatically again. I think that shooting under these circumstances has done some damage or caused the air leaks, so I am wondering if I can get a gauge retrofit-kit to install on the air tube end, like my first Monsoon had?? I had zero problems with that gun. Second, since I do not know where the air is leaking from, I should probably get a complete seal kit to install. Any recommendations on where I can get these locally (San Diego)?? On line, I only find them in Europe priced in foreign currency.
I own two Monsoons of two different vintages. They are tricky devils with several areas that can need attention. The hammer seems to be relatively short lived; they get beat up. I need to add information about that to the article I have on my web site with some notes of common leak areas and adjustment info:

Of particular note is the valve which seals in the block it screws into with no actual seal, relying only on the plastic spring cap to seal. I punch out a small thin rubber disk to go between the valve and the block it screws into which totally fixes that leak area. Also, the fill probe uses a 009 seal (the same as the breach seal), there is a link to the seal I use in the article.

They don't like to operate in semi-auto when the pressure is too high, and the best solution I found is the Lane regulator which allows one to put a full fill in the gun and have the action see a happy low pressure.

Feel free and reach out to me if you want. I may or may not be able to help you, I'm having new issues with the main one I like to shoot; it's a hobby I guess. Below is a picture of it with the custom stock I made for it. I copied the plastic stock into a block of wood and turned that into a master and then copied that into that beautiful piece of feather Claro walnut.
Michael McKeown



Thanks for the info guys. My first Monsoon was trouble free, for the short time I had it, shooting both JSB 15.xx grains and Jumbo Heavies 18.xx grains. I will check with AOA on the gauge kit, although I don't like dealing with them usually. I did a lot of experimenting with my second gun today and found some interesting results; first, I tried some crossman premiers, 14.3 grain; they grouped poorly, even at 15 yards and the gun will not cycle with that pellet. Then I tried some JSB Jumbos @ 18.xx grains and still had intermittent cycling problems, at certain air pressures. The groups were better, but still not good a 30 yards; about 1inch was the best I could do with 3 shot groups, off a bench rest, indoors. Then I went back to the 15.xx grain JSBs and got decent but not perfect cycling and the best groups of about 3/4" with some at about 1/2", again, 3 shot groups, 30 yds, indoors, off a bench. I am a bit disappointed with this compared to my old Marauder and FX Wildcat groups. Maybe it is the ammo, which the PO sent me with the gun; it is pretty banged up, requiring me to pick the best, with few perfect pellets to fill the mags with. If it weren't for the one-in-ten perfect appearing pellet in the tin, I would suspect that these were the rejects from the PO's own pellet sorting. Next step, get some new tins of the 15.xx grain pellets, an air gauge kit, and an O-ring and valve rebuild kit, then try again. I have not taken a Monsoon apart yet, but I suspect it is no harder than a Wildcat. No?