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Utah Airguns - Beware! Liars! 🤥

I’ve just made my first purchase from Utah Airguns. A inexpensive Diana Bandit pistol. The ”black polymer“ stock configuration like the Chaser. They have it listed as having a “Regulator”. Shooting at a consistent 495 fps for about 20 shots. I received mine last Saturday. It starts out at the low 600’s, goes to nearly 700, then drops back to the mid 500’s. All in about 20 shots. A vertical shot string of about a foot tall at 40 yards. I called them to let them know that mine is NOT regulated. The phone salesman said ”of course they are not” “I need to talk with my manager and find out why he listed them this way”. This salesman then passed me on to another I had talked to about a different gun a week or two ago. Got the double talk. Said he would test one and see and call me right back. I called him back several hours later, just before closing. More double talk. Finally he agreed to email me a return label. They would check mine out. Haven’t heard from them since.

Immediately after writing this post, I forwarded this link to the salesman at Utah Airguns. The same one who failed to follow his promises. I also filed a dispute through my credit card company, however, I didn’t mention this to the salesman. I did warn him that if he didn’t do as he said, I would let this committed group of air-gunners know how misleading the the gun was listed and how poorly the customer service was. At the end of the business day, the manager of Utah Airguns called me. After discussing the whole of it, he apologized multiple times, acknowledged that he knew the gun was without a regulator, was going to have the listing corrected, emailed me a return label, refunded the entire purchase instantly and was hopeful that I would amend this post. The fact that he refunded me without my asking, goes a long way in restoring some faith in me with this company.
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