What do you mean they wanna turn “me” in specifically? or just people in general haha
It wasn’t Airgun related it was astronomy related. The site is called Cloudy Nights.
When discussing bargains it came up several times. One online store was still not charging sales tax and more than one person felt the old if I gotta so do you. And another sounded more omnipotent that all citizens must pay up.
I myself dealt directly with Japan for what is considered top of the line equipment. Eventually it got shut down because buyers were bypassing the US dealer with close to double the Japan prices. Shipping and import fees were paid and there were still people upset cause you didn't pay state sales tax.
Arriving in this new hobby and surprisingly finding no sales tax was a plus. I thought ahh .. maybe no tax on …
Well I better buy my Uragan before it’s changed
FWIW, many counties and localities have been loosing out on large amounts of sales tax revenues since the dawn of internet sales. Heck I live in a county that doesn't even have much in the way of brick and mortar sales. So, I take solace that my sales tax dollars are coming back to support my local community.
Here is the most straight forward explanation of sales tax requirements on interstate sales I could find on the net.

Humorously, the way I see it, there is no one to blame.
Not even.......fill in the blank............

just my too %
NOTE: 2018 Supreme Court Ruling Regarding Online Sales Taxes
In the 2018 Supreme Court case South Dakota vs. Wayfair Inc, Et Al., the court overturned a previous ruling that required a merchant to have physical nexus in order for a state to collect sales tax. This means that any state is now free to enforce collection of sales taxes on out-of-state online merchants. The information provided here may be subject to change, and many states are expected to begin collecting online sales taxes following this ruling.

New Information – On April 25, 2019, California passed Assembly Bill No. (AB) 147 (Stats. 2019, ch. 5). AB 147 amended Revenue and Taxation Code (RTC) section 6203 to require retailers located outside of California (remote sellers, including foreign sellers located outside of the United States) to register with the California Department of Tax and Fee Administration (CDTFA) and collect California use tax if, during the preceding or current calendar year, the total combined sales of tangible personal property for delivery in California by the retailer and all persons related to the retailer exceed $500,000. A person is related to a retailer if they have a relationship with the retailer described in section 267(b) of title 26 of the United States Code and the related regulations.

  • IMPORTANT NOTE– In general, the requirements to register and collect California use tax prior to AB 147 remain in effect. That is, retailers with a physical presence in California are still generally required to be registered with CDTFA. Examples of a physical presence in this state include, but are not limited to:
    • Maintaining inventory or office locations in California.
    • Having representatives in California for purposes of taking orders, making sales or deliveries, or installing or assembling tangible personal property.
    • Leasing equipment, including a computer server in California.

AB 147 also amended RTC section 7262 to require all retailers, whether located inside or outside of California, to collect district use tax on all sales made for delivery in any district that imposes a district tax if, during the preceding or current calendar year, the total combined sales of tangible personal property in California or for delivery in California by the retailer and all persons related to the retailer exceed $500,000. This new collection requirement is operative April 25, 2019 (see Special Notice L-684). Please see the General Info and Collection Requirement section for additional information about district tax and the new district use tax collection requirement.

I guess if UA is making more than 500K in sales in CA..good for them, but not for me. :-(
Yeah I mean you don’t see specialty retail stores that sale airrifles and airrifle accessories literally picking a dirt lot and contracting a whole new building to be erected out of thin air everyday they must be selling in the multi-millions of dollars worth of airguns and hunting supplies that’s pretty impressive. But I’m willing to bet that no sales tax they have really gives them an upper hand if I had to guess. It really does sway a buyers buying decision it did for me at least.
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Somebody needs to come up with a reshipping service where they provide an intermediate address in Oregon or some other non-sales tax state and then forward it on to its final destination. For purchases over $500 it would be worth it.
Yup that would last until somebody noticed they were losing out on sales tax money and they would find a way to get around the get around. They always win eventually
Yeah I mean you don’t see specialty retail stores that sale airrifles and airrifle accessories literally picking a dirt lot and contracting a whole new building to be erected out of thin air everyday they must be selling in the multi-millions of dollars worth of airguns and hunting supplies that’s pretty impressive. But I’m willing to bet that no sales tax they have really gives them an upper hand if I had to guess. It really does sway a buyers buying decision it did for me at least.
Absolutely does for me. When you avoid it at least you know exactly where your money went …..stays right in your pocket. Great financial plan if you ask me.
Utah Airguns is now charging sales tax?
I was looking at making a pretty hefty purchase from mdt “the competition chassis brand” but they were sold out of something I was interested in well I remembered UtahAirguns also sales their stuff and sure enough they had the item I was interested in so upon placing it in my cart and getting around to checking out I was kinda stunned that they were charging me sales tax because over the years they never did which is one of the really cool bonuses when shopping with them. so if the item on the website was 100 bucks you paid maybe $12 in shipping and so it’d be $112 dollars NO sales tax. So yeah I was pretty bothered that they started doing that it’s probably because of some law I really don’t know but it’s definitely gonna impact my purchasing decisions from them in the future because they don’t necessarily have the fastest shipping times so that combined with the sales tax does annoy me. But dont get me wrong i respect what they do for the airgun industry and the community and I really think they are a great group of guys and I’ll still shop there and support them regardless because they do a lot for us they are the US Fx airguns service center and that’s a big responsibility and they have a big team that cares about the sport so yeah I’m definitely not done doing business with them I just wanted to point that out it does suck but hey it is what’s it is maybe they’ll go back to not charging it who knows. UPDATE I live in California and I was wondering if maybe changing the shipping address did anything and yup it does they are charging just California customers sales tax no other state! That Sucks if it’s some legal reason I get it but man that’s some bs!

California has both a sales tax and customer use tax.

1. California SALES Tax is paid by the seller doing business with residents of California.

2. CUSTOMER USE Tax is paid by the resident of California if the seller did not collect a sales tax.

3. Check the California Codes applicable to Sales Tax Fraud.


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Utah Airguns is now charging sales tax?
I was looking at making a pretty hefty purchase from mdt “the competition chassis brand” but they were sold out of something I was interested in well I remembered UtahAirguns also sales their stuff and sure enough they had the item I was interested in so upon placing it in my cart and getting around to checking out I was kinda stunned that they were charging me sales tax because over the years they never did which is one of the really cool bonuses when shopping with them. so if the item on the website was 100 bucks you paid maybe $12 in shipping and so it’d be $112 dollars NO sales tax. So yeah I was pretty bothered that they started doing that it’s probably because of some law I really don’t know but it’s definitely gonna impact my purchasing decisions from them in the future because they don’t necessarily have the fastest shipping times so that combined with the sales tax does annoy me. But dont get me wrong i respect what they do for the airgun industry and the community and I really think they are a great group of guys and I’ll still shop there and support them regardless because they do a lot for us they are the US Fx airguns service center and that’s a big responsibility and they have a big team that cares about the sport so yeah I’m definitely not done doing business with them I just wanted to point that out it does suck but hey it is what’s it is maybe they’ll go back to not charging it who knows. UPDATE I live in California and I was wondering if maybe changing the shipping address did anything and yup it does they are charging just California customers sales tax no other state! That Sucks if it’s some legal reason I get it but man that’s some bs!
Not in Air guns but i know of two local stores that went out of business because people would come in and shop . Looking at the item ,asking a bunch of questions . Then buy out of state to just save sales tax . Multi hundred$$$ items , same price charged . Now no local store , no small parts or connectors every thing is mail orders now . That was in Chicago with around 1200 potential Hobby customers
Stan in Ky (no Air gun stores here )
What will happen to the whole industry of sales, if the tarifs towards Europe are introduced ??? You will see a major raise in prices for sure ! :eek: :confused:
"Tariff is the most beautiful word in the dictionary" ~ no credible source

1. Importer pays the tariffs and passes the tariff cost on to the :

2. Wholesaler who raises the price (to maintain profit margin) before selling to a:

3. Retailer who (in order to maintain profit margin) increases the price a second time before selling to the customer :

4. Customer pays a higher sales price plus an increaseed amount of sales tax based on the higher sales price.

5. Money to the Federal Treasury from US Citizens increases.

6. Money to the State Treasury from State Residents increases.

A win, win for every one!!!!!!!!
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"Tariff is the most beautiful word in the dictionary" ~ no credible source

1. Importer pays the tariffs and passes the tariff cost on to the :

2. Wholesaler who raises the price (to maintain profit margin) before selling to a:

3. Retailer who (in order to maintain profit margin) increases the price a second time before selling to the customer :

4. Customer pays a higher sales price plus an increaseed amount of sales tax based on the higher sales price.

5. Money to the Federal Treasury from US Citizens increases.

6. Money to the State Treasury from State Residents increases.

A win, win for every one!!!!!!!!

So the end customer in the US pays the higher sales price plus an increased amount of sales tax ! :eek: :confused:

Not exactly a win for the end customer ?!
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"Tariff is the most beautiful word in the dictionary" ~ no credible source

1. Importer pays the tariffs and passes the tariff cost on to the :

2. Wholesaler who raises the price (to maintain profit margin) before selling to a:

3. Retailer who (in order to maintain profit margin) increases the price a second time before selling to the customer :

4. Customer pays a higher sales price plus an increaseed amount of sales tax based on the higher sales price.

5. Money to the Federal Treasury from US Citizens increases.

6. Money to the State Treasury from State Residents increases.

A win, win for every one!!!!!!!!
7. Federal Income Tax is repealed (we can only hope) THAT could possible more than make up for the increase in our toy prices.....or not depending on how much you spend.
7. Federal Income Tax is repealed (we can only hope) THAT could possible more than make up for the increase in our toy prices.....or not depending on how much you spend.
Based on the price and amount of each good imported in Federal Fiscal Year 2023:

1. You could charge a 100% tariff on every good imported and the revenue generated would be 32.4% of the revenue generated by Federal Income Tax. ~ OMB & CBO

2. That is not enough to cover our total military expenses and the interest on our national debt let alone our total military expenses, interest on our national debt, and the cost of building the Trump Gaza Resort.

3. Federal Income Tax will remain. Any reduction in Federal Income Tax will be offset by a reduction in non military spending and/or a Federal Sales Tax. ~ GOP Project 2025
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