Yes, about 12 fps per inch.
Derrick, so nice we have specialists on here!
Is this 12fps per inch caliber related, or projectile weight related in any way?
● The following conflict has been going on for several months now, all about an
RTI 2 Performance .30cal.
The fuss is about the decision between the
Compact with a 500mm barrel, and the
Regular with a 600mm barrel:
• Dr. Jekyll in me tells me that a shorter gun is a better gun, just easier in so many situations.
• Then
Mr. Hyde lashes out saying it is a bad idea to give up power while trying to drive 45 grainers.
Dr. Jekyll runs out of arguments and hits Mr. Hyde with his umbrella.
Mr Hyde ducks and steals Dr. Jekyll's hat, all the while arguing that a shorter gun is a louder gun, something that both don't want in their respective backyards.
Any light you can shed on this?
I understand that by tuning the RTI (balanced valve) I can get more power, I can quiet it down, all that, but for the price of less shots. The piper has to be paid somehow — with loudness, less power, or less shots....
Why do I make my life so complicated?
(Derrick, I don't expect you to answer that last question, even my psychiatrist is clueless.)
PS: And I'm still hoping
to find that RTI 2 rifle in the classifieds some day....