Very rare animal

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Bumper crop of tree frogs and spring peepers this year. I was in dispare over the last few years about the declining numbers of invertebrates. I firmly believe that this year the abundance is because I was late removing that pool cover last year which allowed many tadpoles to flourish.

Helping wildlife to flourish may be easier than you think. Hunting helps! Yes because your state may use the money to provide for wildlife. But maybe not in California. 😂

None in Indiana....used to be lots of box turtles around when I was young now hardly ever see any. Same with Black snakes.
My uncle who used to farm 600 acres south of Lafayette took me out once when I was about 10 (1968) and there were dozens of box turtles along this creek (the Wea) fornicatng (can I use the f word here)? Here in Ohio we see them during spring turkey season but not in the same name numbers. We give them a wide birth. With all the diseases from China (can I use the C word here?) it is a wonder anything survives. My county (Warren) is now under quarantine due to the China box wood bug. 🤮
I had a coworker that really got into saving the Horned Lizards. He had permits and such to enhance the species and would take care of them extremly well.
He even took them on vacation with him to make certain that they were taken care of. His motor home was lined with cages full of those critters.
He would raise them to a certain point, then free them in the local areas of the San Diego back country.
I too used to see quite a few as a kid in SoCal, only see a few now and not often. They really like the sandy areas, which are mostly water shed spots. When it does rain in SoCal, I'm imagining that the sandy water shed areas are devastated, putting them at a high risk for survival.

Bumper crop of tree frogs and spring peepers this year. I was in dispare over the last few years about the declining numbers of invertebrates. I firmly believe that this year the abundance is because I was late removing that pool cover last year which allowed many tadpoles to flourish.

Helping wildlife to flourish may be easier than you think. Hunting helps! Yes because your state may use the money to provide for wildlife. But maybe not in California. 😂

What's a Spring Peeper? I kinda miss the call of tree frogs, but getting out of Oregon was completely worth it.

Probably larger than real.
This was on my roof when I got home yesterday. Very vocal and not BEEP BEEP. Seemed really docile. They are probably the Horned Toad's worst enemy other than cats.
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Them things will clean your lizards out, Your snakes any nesting birds will be eaten eggs, baby birds, Thy are on my most hated bird list.. You can keep them in your state, I think there N.M state bird , Glad I am in Texas.
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