Very slow refill or creep?

Ok so this is on my impact mk2. When i fire the gun it will quickly refill back to 145 bar then stop. If I shoot again it will refill back to 145. But if I leave the gun alone and come back in a hour. It is now 155 bar. Idk if this is reg creep. Or just really slow refill. First I thought it is creep but then I think what if it's just a really slow refill. Cause it's not like I left the gun overnight. Does anyone have this issue where you fire your gun and it refill and stop at a certain pressure. But you come back after an hour and notice the needle have moved about 10 bars? Really annoying. If I shoot and it refill back to 145 bar. I want it to stay there when I come back. Anyone have any idea what I should be looking for. Like what part to replace?
Ok so this is on my impact mk2. When i fire the gun it will quickly refill back to 145 bar then stop. If I shoot again it will refill back to 145. But if I leave the gun alone and come back in a hour. It is now 155 bar. Idk if this is reg creep. Or just really slow refill. First I thought it is creep but then I think what if it's just a really slow refill. Cause it's not like I left the gun overnight. Does anyone have this issue where you fire your gun and it refill and stop at a certain pressure. But you come back after an hour and notice the needle have moved about 10 bars? Really annoying. If I shoot and it refill back to 145 bar. I want it to stay there when I come back. Anyone have any idea what I should be looking for. Like what part to replace?

A slow refilling regulator shouldn't take beyond 10-15 seconds to stabilize. The user above me linked a great video and I would consider duplicating what you see in it.

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A slow refilling regulator shouldn't take beyond 10-15 seconds to stabilize. The user above me linked a great video and I would consider duplicating what you see in it.

I guess it is reg creep then. I thought reg creep would be like leaving it over night. The pressure increased within an hour. I will watch the video and see if that's the same issue.
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