Taipan Vet 2 questions.

Looking into these hardcore lately, but I had some questions.

First, can the standard version be fitted with the tactical furniture and keep the tube? Or are they different blocks?

Second, will they shoot pellets as accurately as slugs? I know they’re unchoked barrels, but I mainly shoot pellets for cost.

Third, are they super quiet? My vet 1 was mousefart quiet, and super nice shot cycle. I know the trigger is the same, but did they keep it as quiet?

Lastly, has anyone had any poi issues or first shot accuracy issues with the new “full float” barrel system? It looks to be somewhat tensioned, but I liked that I could take my vet 1 out after weeks of sitting, and it was still on target with first shot no matter what.

Thanks in advance.
I can only answer your question about slugs vs pellets. My Vet 2 tube with 700mm barrel is tuned to shoot slugs. Specifically, H&N HP .218 (25gr) @945fps. I have shot H&N FTT 14.66 gr (5.53mm or .218) head-size pellets and they are extremely accurate out of this unchoked CZ barrel.

I have also done tests over multiple days to see if the first shot after sitting idle over night had a lower/higher fps and poi difference. It did not. I have chronographed first shots showing a spread of 942-946 fps over multiple day tests and POI is spot on.

I don’t have a Vet 1 so cannot comment on quiteness. My Vet 2 is reasonably quiet given the power its pushing. If I tune it down to shoot the 14.66 grain pellets I am certain it will be super quiet.
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In my research I found that the triggers are the same, the valve and reg are the same, cocking is even smoother than the Gen1s and POI stability seems the same. As far as the chokeless barrel I'm not worried about it with pellets. Have had great success with them in the past. Either way I will be putting it through it's paces hopefully by tomorrow evening