I decided to try a cheap vibration activated hour meter for my Yong Heng. I attached it to the flat top of the housing with double sided tape about a month ago but I haven't needed to use the thing until yesterday. The display was showing .2 hours and I am fairly sure it was at 0 when I installed it. After topping up my bottle, about 20 minutes, it was still at .2. I was wondering if these things should be mounted vertically or perhaps the double sided tape is dampening the vibration. There is an hourglass icon on the display that I assume flashes when the thing is recording and when I tap it with my finger it will flash. These little pumps vibrate quite a bit, I would think that it would be more than enough to activate a device like this. Does somebody have any advice on what may be wrong, yes it may be faulty but perhaps I'm missing something? Keeping a log is probably the best solution anyway but having it record automatically would be nice.