Evanix Viper .30 caliber PCP Pistol by Evanix (Review Video)


This baby holds 10 rounds and hits the taget all 10 times! The first .30 caliber air pistol as far as I know. Huben will have to catch up now. I predict it will take Huben at least 2 years...if they even decide to make a .30. The fact that this is .30 caliber changes the game for me. I love this thing.


Hahaha Huben has some catching up to do ? ...catching up to what a -30 FPE lobbying 30 cal pellets ?

My man you got it all turned around, my .25 Huben pistol is sitting at 71 FPE and all shots hit the target, better looking, smaller.lighter and vastly more powerful.
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Hey Evanix. Send me some free stuff and I’ll also happily exaggerate the capabilities of your products on social media. PM me for details.
Yup, my main problem is that I absolutely love and been shooting Evanix guns forever, however since this guy has been making reviews about them I'm starting to dislike the company ( and I don't want to get there ) but I see so much exagerations on guns I know very well that it really puts me off.
Yup, my main problem is that I absolutely love and been shooting Evanix guns forever, however since this guy has been making reviews about them I'm starting to dislike the company ( and I don't want to get there ) but I see so much exagerations on guns I know very well that it really puts me off.
I also like Evanix, though my experience is limited. I owned an AR6-K and it was excellent for a plinker. I absolutely adore the other Korean guns (Seneca/Shinsung, which for my money are the best airguns that have ever existed). So no shade to Evanix.

But to try and claim that the Viper has somehow outdone the GK1 in any way, shape or form is like claiming that the Indian space program has somehow outdone NASA because they crash-landed an unmanned craft on the dark side of the moon once. Just absurd.
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I love Evanix as well - they helped advance PCP semi auto's and big bores in the beginning but have been running a bit stale in their development as of late. I hope they start getting back on track making bigger and better engineering strides.

If they can combine the quality & engineering of Skout and power of Western Airguns they would be unstoppable - somebody will eventually get there.

But if all they're going to do is increase the Pellet Diameter and keeping the same anemic plenum/regulator, I guess the next evolution would be the ground breaking .510 Pistol, and an earth shattering 9FPE! Come one come all, destroy your target with 300gr .510 slugs at a whopping 150 feet per second! Worlds first!

I love Evanix as well - they helped advance PCP semi auto's and big bores in the beginning but have been running a bit stale in their development as of late. I hope they start getting back on track making bigger and better engineering strides.

If they can combine the quality & engineering of Skout and power of Western Airguns they would be unstoppable - somebody will eventually get there.

But if all they're going to do is increase the Pellet Diameter and keeping the same anemic plenum/regulator, I guess the next evolution would be the ground breaking .510 Pistol, and an earth shattering 9FPE! Come one come all, destroy your target with 300gr .510 slugs at a whopping 150 feet per second! Worlds first!


AEA has a .510 pistol already based on M50/HP Max

Granted not semi auto. But for half the price and closer to 175 FPE. At least the shots you do take would count for something!

I have one in 457 btw. It's very accurate and I could shoot 3 magazines and still have more power per shot than this 30 cal Evanix on it's first shot.

That all said if someone was dumb enough to trade me for a Huben GK1 .25 I'd take that trade all day.
I don’t know what catching up Huben needs to do. GK1 is on a whole other level.
The Huben doesn't come in .30 cal. Here is how I saw it go down: The Viper was the best PCP pistol in the world for about 2 years, then the Huben showed up and took the spot. No argument there. But then the Viper was like "Suprise!". Now they are both the best. But the Viper is the most scary. That thing in .30 is like having a real gun.

A GK1 .25 at 890 fps is 45 foot pounds...but I wonder which does more damage. The Viper X alot will shorter than a Huben. I'll try to test them against each other when I get a .25 Huben.
And these YouTubers who keep peddling air guns as self defense really needs to stop
I'm not one of those. Evanix requested that I say that. We don't use airguns for self defense in the USA. Even talking about that can get you kicked off AGN. If I pushed airguns as SD on my channel I would be fired. That's Macabespeed your thinking of.

Also, no exaggerations in my video. The .30 Viper got 13 shots per fill. I showed 10 shots. All distances were real and all shooting was done on the first take. Chrono included. Those really were my first 10 shots out of the box.

It is tuned for 30.5 foot pounds, but you can turn it up. The 36 foot pounds was a brain fart. Patriots told me 32 ft originally. I got confused with 36 when I read the Army stats. By the time I remembered it was 32 the video was already done. Evanix wanted it completed post haste. I got the gun and made the video in about 3 days. So the foot pounds thing was a mistake, not intentional.

I always screw up at least one fact per video. You guys know that. But I don't think I exaggerate the capabilities of any of the guns. I only film when there is no wind. (as in 0-3 MPH of wind).

What is an exaggeration is FX rifles killing birds and getting millions of views. Hitting a 4-6 inch bird at any distance is pretty easy. No one shows FX rifles hitting the bullseye. I guess they don't have too since the Impact wins all the competitions....but can a normal person do that with an Impact? or do you need a team of techs to tune your gun? (and a $2000 scope).

OK...I love FX by the way. Just got my M3 re-blocked and re-sealed by Utah Airguns. I'm about to shoot 5000 rounds through it. Skout vs Impact videos will be coming too.